Graph Layout Options

The graph layout option is available in the Selector Tool dialog box, on the Layout tab when you create or edit a graph using the Manage Tables, Graphs, and Analysis Sets option.

In the Graph Layout Options section, you can define the type of graph and configure layouts and the dimension of axes. In the Filters section you can specify the filter criteria that you want displayed in the graph.

The layout options vary according to the type of graph. For example, a bar graph has X and Y-axis layout options whereas a Pie chart doesn't have any X or Y axis. General Options is common for all layout options and includes generic information for a graph such as title, font, and position of the graph. You can also preview a graph from the Layout tab before you save the graph. In the preview mode, you can format measures, change the layout, and modify the drill settings.

The following types of graphs are available:

  • X and Y axes graphs

    • Vertical bar

    • Horizontal bar

    • Line graph

  • X and Y axes graphs with additional parameters

    • Area graph

    • Combination graph

    • Bubble graph

  • Pie graph

  • Sunburst graph and Treemap graph

  • Funnel graph and Radar graph

  • Gauge graph

For graphs with an X, Y, or dual Y axes, you can select up to three entities in total: measures are mandatory, and you can select one or two dimension hierarchies. A dual Y-axis graph requires the measures on the Y axis. You must select one measure for the Y2 axis in the Y2 -Axis panel. Axis title and tick label rotation options are available for all axes. Tick label options are also available for the X-axis. For example, skip a certain number of labels for legibility. The Formatting panel contains visual effect options for the graph, such as 2 dimension or 3 dimension, and bar or line style.

Here's additional information about some of the graphs:

Graph Type



A Combination graph includes an area, bar, and line. The measures represented by each of these options are specified in the Formatting panel.


A Bubble graph requires selections for the bubble component of the graph in addition to the X and Y axes options. Select the hierarchy and the bubble sizing measure in the Bubble panel.


A Sunburst graph is comprised of rings. Select the number of rings to display. Each ring represents a level of the hierarchy. The rings are divided into sectors for each member of the level. The size and color of the sector is determined by the measures selected for those options.


A Treemap graph is comprised of rectangles. Select the depth of the rectangles for a hierarchy. The rectangles for a level of the hierarchy are nested within the parent level rectangle. The size and color of the rectangles are determined by the measures selected for those options.

Funnel and Radar

Funnel and Radar graphs require only a hierarchy and measure selection.


Gauge graphs, which are used in infotiles, require measures with goals defined.