Guidelines for Setting Up Catalogs for Collections

This topic provides guidelines for setting up catalogs so that they can be collected for use in Oracle Fusion Cloud Supply Chain Planning.

Note these guidelines for setting up catalogs for collections:

Note: This topic provides only high-level information for setting up catalogs in the Product Information Management work area. For detailed information and requirements, see the documentation for that work area.
  • Create the default Product catalog:
    If You're Then
    Creating the default Product catalog in the Product Information Management work area
    • In the Create Catalog dialog box, in the Functional Area field, select Planning.

      Once you select Planning as the functional area, some settings for the default Product catalog are automatically applied.

    • In the Controlled At field, select Master Level.
    • Select the Assign items to leaf level categories only check box.
    • Don't select the Allow multiple item category assignments check box.
    • On the Edit Functional Area Catalog page, on the Details tab, in the Default Category field, select a default category.

    On the Edit Functional Area Catalog page, on the Category Hierarchy tab, you won't be able to create a hierarchy of categories. Under the root level, you will be able to create only one level of categories.

    Creating the default Product catalog using the file-based data import (FBDI) template named Supply Chain Planning Catalogs (ScpCatalogImportTemplate.xlsm)
    • On the Catalogs_ tab, in the Control Level column, enter 1.
    • In the Default Indicator column, enter Yes.
    • On the CatalogCategoryAssociation_ tab, create a hierarchy of categories if this setup meets your requirements.
    • On the ItemCategories_ tab, ensure that items belong to only the lowest-level categories, and that items don't belong to multiple categories.

    After the collections process, the default Product catalog that you set up or import is populated into the default Product hierarchy of the Product dimension for Oracle Supply Chain Planning.

    If you haven't set up the default Product catalog, the predefined Product hierarchy of the Product dimension is used. The predefined Product hierarchy has only one predefined item. In this situation, your items won't be available in the default Product hierarchy, and your items will be available through the other hierarchies that are created for collected catalogs.

  • Create your other Product catalogs:
    If You're Then
    Creating the Product catalog in the Product Information Management work area
    • In the Create Catalog dialog box, in the Controlled At field, select Master Level.
    • Select the Assign items to leaf level categories only check box.
    • Don't select the Allow multiple item category assignments check box.
    • On the Edit Catalog page, on the Category Hierarchy tab, create a hierarchy of categories if this setup meets your requirements.

      You can have a maximum of 15 levels in your category hierarchy when you collect the Product catalogs that you create in the Product Information Management work area.

    Creating the Product catalog using the Supply Chain Planning Catalogs import template
    • On the Catalogs_ tab, in the Control Level column, enter 1 so that the catalog is controlled at the master level.
      Note: Oracle recommends that you import Product catalogs that are controlled at the master level. If you import organizations that are controlled at the organization level, the items must be associated with the same categories in all organizations. Otherwise, the items won't be present in the resulting hierarchies.
    • On the CatalogCategoryAssociation_ tab, create a hierarchy of categories if this setup meets your requirements.
  • Ensure that your default Product catalog and other Product catalogs have this structure:
    • The catalog shouldn't have a ragged structure; the categories at a catalog level should have the same number of levels for child categories.
    • The catalog can't have any category that doesn't have child categories or items.

      Such categories are referred to as dummy categories.

    • You can assign items to only the lowest-level categories.

      For Product catalogs other than the default Product catalog, items that you assign to the top-level category or intermediate-level categories won't be present in the resulting hierarchies.

    • You can assign an item to only one category.

      Any items that you assign to multiple categories aren't collected.

Other Points for Consideration

Note these points about the creation and collection of catalogs:

  • For a catalog that's created in the Product Information Management work area or imported through the Supply Chain Planning Catalogs import template, the control level specifies whether the association between an item, the catalog, and a category can be controlled at the level of a parent organization or child organization.

    When a catalog that's created in the Product Information Management work area is controlled at the master level, if you assign an item to a parent organization, the item is automatically assigned to the child organizations.

  • In the Setup and Maintenance work area, for the Items functional area, on the Manage Operational Attribute Group Control page, for the Planning Method attribute of the MPS and MRP Planning attribute group, in the Controlled At column, when you select Master level, you can assign the Planning functional area to a catalog that's controlled at the master or organization level. If you select Organization level in the Controlled At column, you can assign the Planning functional area to only a catalog that's controlled at the organization level. While this catalog that you create in the Product Information Management work area won't be collected, you can create other Product catalogs that are controlled at the master level and that can be collected.
  • You can't assign a functional area to more than one catalog. However, you can assign more than one functional area to a catalog.
  • Once you assign the Planning functional area to a catalog, you can't remove the assignment of the functional area from the catalog and reassign the functional area to another catalog.
  • You must use the Collect Planning Data page to collect the default Product catalog and other Product catalogs that you create in the Product Information Management work area.
  • During collections through the Collect Planning Data page or Load Planning Data from Flat Files scheduled process, the Create Trees for Dimensions scheduled process converts catalogs into hierarchies (trees) for the Product dimension. The structure of each catalog is validated according to the previously provided list in this topic for the catalog structure when the hierarchies are created. Any catalog that fails a validation isn't converted to a hierarchy, and a warning message is logged. You can examine the log file to identify catalogs that weren't converted.

    After fixing such catalogs in the Product Information Management work area or using the Supply Chain Planning Catalogs import template, you must run collections again using the net change collection type.

  • The default Product hierarchy has three levels, two levels for categories and the lowest Item level. The collected items are stored at the Item level. If you're collecting the default Product catalog, the resulting Product hierarchy must have a minimum of three levels, two levels for categories and the lowest level for items. During collections, changes will be made so that your Product hierarchy has the required structure. For example, if your default Product catalog has only one category level with the items, two more levels will be created in the Product hierarchy, and the items will be moved to the lowest level. If your default Product catalog has more than three levels, all the levels are retained in the Product hierarchy, and the items are moved to the lowest level.

    These modifications are done for the Product hierarchy whether you set up your default Product catalog in the Product Information Management work area or using the Supply Chain Planning Catalogs import template.

  • After you collect your catalogs through the Collect Planning Data page or Load Planning Data from Flat Files scheduled process, you must open the Configure Planning Analytics page in the Plan Inputs work area or the work area for your Oracle Supply Chain Planning module. On the Dimension Catalogs tab, for the dimension catalog that's attached to your plan, you must move the hierarchies for the created catalogs from the Available Hierarchies pane to the Selected Hierarchies pane.

    The hierarchies will then be available for use in your plan.

  • You can view the hierarchies for the collected catalogs using the Levels and Attributes tab on the Configure Planning Analytics page. In the Dimension field, select Product. You can filter the displayed information using the Hierarchy field.