Modify Demand Exceptions

You open a demand plan and open the exceptions table to view the demand exceptions. The exception table shows any demand exception with at least one exception.

You can use the search capabilities to focus on specific areas of exceptions, such as:

  • Exception Date

  • Specification values

  • Organization

  • Product

Modifying Demand Exceptions

You can modify the threshold associated with each demand exceptions to meet your business requirements. In addition, you can also modify the data aggregation level at which the measure is evaluated. Typically, when you calculate at a lower level, an exception returns more occurrences for the same threshold than when set at a higher level.

The reduction in exceptions is tied to two factors:

  • Less data points to evaluate at a higher level.

  • A large amount of data variability and noise that occurs at lower levels is reduced in aggregation. Hence, it's recommended that the threshold and levels be set to the most business-meaningful levels. For example, if the primary use of forecast is to ensure enough is produced, then organization aggregation should be increased from organization to line of business.

Overriding Demand Forecast

Based on business information and intelligence, you can override the statistical forecast.

To perform a forecast override:

  1. Open the relevant plan and open a table with the forecast measures.

    The table must contain the dimension and hierarchies that you want to view the data. You can use a table with several hierarchies and levels and collapse or expand a hierarchy until they see the relevant data aggregation.

  2. Double-click the cell and enter the desired value to enter an override. When you navigate away from the cell, the calculated measure associated with the override measure changes immediately.

  3. Click Save. Close the table without saving to discard any unsaved changes.