Batch Run Plan

Use the Batch Run Plan scheduled process to run plans in batch mode to plan supplies and demands, calculate replenishments, or generate forecasts. Based on your security privileges, plan types for this process are Supply Plan, Demand Plan, Demand and Supply Plan, Replenishment Plan.

Before using this process, you need to define a plan using the Manage Plans task. The plan options of the plan are applied when you run a plan. You do the Manage Plans task in the work area applicable to your plan type.
  • Demand plans: Demand Planning, Demand and Supply Planning, Planning Central work area
  • Demand and Supply plans: Demand and Supply Planning or Planning Central work area
  • Sales and Operations plans: Sales and Operations Planning work area
  • Supply plans: Supply Planning, Demand and Supply Planning, or Planning Central work area
  • Replenishment plans: Replenishment Planning work area

When to Use

Use this process when you want to run a demand plan, or demand and supply plan, or replenishment plan, or sales and operations plan, or supply plan.

Reasons you run a demand plan:

  • Generate a new statistical demand forecast. The timing of this would depend on your organization’s planning cycle. The timing is typically weekly or monthly.
  • Update the plan with the most recently collected demand history, such as shipments or bookings, and master data, such as new items, new customers, and hierarchy changes. This update can be done either in conjunction with generating the forecast or more frequently, as often as nightly, if you want your plan to have the most up-to-date information.
  • Apply any configuration changes such as new measures, changes to existing measures, or changes to the measure catalog or dimension catalog associated with the plan. You do this on an as-needed basis.

Reasons you run an integrated demand and supply plan:

  • Generate a new statistical demand forecast, safety stock levels, plan supplies for demands by allocating existing supplies and creating supplies. The timing of this would depend on your organization’s planning cycle. This is typically daily or weekly.
  • Update the plan with the most recently collected demand history such as shipments or bookings, supply planning data such as sales orders or on hand or transfer orders or work orders or purchase orders and requisitions or reservations and master data such as new items, new customers, hierarchy changes, resources, and others. This can either be done in conjunction with generating the forecast and planning of supplies or it can be done more frequently, as often as nightly, if you want your plan to have the most up-to-date information.
  • Apply any configuration changes such as new measures, changes to existing measures, or changes to the measure catalog or dimension catalog associated with the plan. This is done on an as-needed basis.
  • Release plan recommendations for implementing in source systems.

Reasons you run a replenishment plan:

  • Generate a new statistical demand forecast, calculate policy parameters, rebalance the inventory and calculate replenishments. The timing of this would depend on your organization’s planning cycle. This is typically daily or weekly
  • Update the plan with the most recently collected supply planning data.
  • Apply any configuration changes such as new measures, changes to existing measures, or changes to the measure catalog or dimension catalog associated with the plan. This is done on an as-needed basis.
  • Release plan recommendations for creating replenishments in source systems.

Reasons you run a sales and operations plan:

  • Generate a basic statistical demand forecast. Alternatively, a statistical demand forecast can be loaded from an associated demand plan.
  • Update the plan with the most recently collected demand history such as shipments or bookings, supply planning data such as sales orders, on hand, transfer orders, work orders or purchase orders if configured in plan options and master data such as new items, new customers, hierarchy changes, resources and others.
  • Apply any configuration changes such as new measures, changes to existing measures, or changes to the measure catalog or dimension catalog associated with the plan. This is done on an as-needed basis.
  • Plan supplies for demands with existing and new supplies at an aggregate level. The timing of this would depend on your organization’s planning cycle. This is typically monthly.

Reasons you run a supply plan:

  • Generate safety stock levels, plan supplies for demands by allocating existing supplies and creating supplies. The timing of this would depend on your organization’s planning cycle. This is typically daily or weekly.
  • Update the plan with the most recently collected supply planning data such as sales orders or on hand or transfer orders or work orders or purchase orders and requisitions or reservations and others and master data such as new items, new customers, hierarchy changes, resources and others. This can either be done in conjunction with planning of supplies or it can be done more frequently, as often as nightly, if you want your plan to have the most up-to-date information.
  • Apply any configuration changes such as new measures, changes to existing measures, or changes to the measure catalog or dimension catalog associated with the plan. This is done on an as-needed basis.
  • Release plan recommendations for implementing in source systems.

Privileges Required

Supply Plan

  • Monitor Supply Planning Work Area (MSC_MONITOR_SUPPLY_PLANNING_WORK_AREA_PRIV)
  • Monitor Demand and Supply Planning Work Area (MSC_MONITOR_DEMAND_AND_SUPPLY_PLANNING_WORK_AREA_PRIV)

Demand Plan

  • Monitor Demand Management Work Area (MSC_MONITOR_DEMAND_MANAGEMENT_WORK_AREA_PRIV)
  • Monitor Demand and Supply Planning Work Area (MSC_MONITOR_DEMAND_AND_SUPPLY_PLANNING_WORK_AREA_PRIV)

Demand and Supply Plan

  • Monitor Demand and Supply Planning Work Area (MSC_MONITOR_DEMAND_AND_SUPPLY_PLANNING_WORK_AREA_PRIV)

Replenishment Plan

  • Monitor Replenishment Planning Work Area (MSC_MONITOR_REPLENISHMENT_PLANNING_WORK_AREA_PRIV)

You can also control to execute Batch Run Plan with or without refresh with following privileges.

  • Run Plan with Refresh or Snapshot (MSC_RUN_PLAN_WITH_SNAPSHOT_PRIV)
  • Run Plan without Refresh or Snapshot (MSC_RUN_PLAN_WITHOUT_SNAPSHOT_PRIV)


Review the following before setting up this scheduled process:
Specification Description
Job Type Scheduled recommended. Can be submitted ad hoc basis based on requirement.
Frequency As required. Usually depends on the business requirement and the type of plan to be submitted.
Time of Day After work hours is preferred, but can be submitted any time based on your requirements. It’s recommended to not run a plan while users are working on the plan. Depending on the options chosen, the plan may not be accessible, or the plan data might be in the process of being updated during the plan run.
Duration Varies from few minutes to an hour or more depending on the volume of data, plan options, and plan type selected during the submission.
Compatibility There should be only one instance of the job running at any one time for a specific plan type and a plan name selected.

Parameters Overview

This section and subsequent sections provide a series of tables to explain the parameters you need to specify when you use the Batch Run Plan scheduled process.
  • The parameters in the table in this section specify the plan type and plan name.
  • The tables in the subsequent sections provide parameters and their corresponding descriptions for each combination of plan type and option types, such as data refresh options and scope options.
Parameter Optional or Required Description Parameter Values Special Combinations Required Notes
Type Required Type of plan to be selected for submission of Batch Run Plan process. Demand Plan

Demand and Supply Plan

Replenishment Plan

Sales and Operations Plan

Supply Plan

Yes – select parameters in Details section based on plan type N/A
Name Required Name of the plan to be selected for submission of Batch Run Plan process. List of values based plan type Yes – select parameters in Details section based on plan type N/A

Parameters for Demand Plan

Follow these guidelines before setting the Data Refresh Options for Demand Plan:

  1. One of the Data Refresh Options must be selected. Select the Refresh with current data option when a plan is selected to run for the first time.
  2. Refresh with current data option will clear all the existing plan data and refresh with collected data. Refresh with current data option will advance the plan’s start date to the current system date and refresh data for all measures that are enabled for Refresh with current data option in Manage Planning Measures.
  3. Values for editable measures that are not enabled for Refresh with current data option will be retained when plan is run with Refresh with current data option.
  4. Set the profile option MSC_DFLT_SHIPMENT_HIST_MEASURE and MSC_DFLT_BOOKING_HIST_MEASURE to the shipments and bookings history variant measures respectively for which the data is collected.

Data Refresh Options

Parameter Optional or Required Description Parameter Values Special Combinations Required
Do not refresh with current data Optional Plan data is not updated. Any data collected since the previous plan run will be unavailable in the plan. Check box N/A
Refresh with current data Optional Plan data will be refreshed with collected data including measure data, master data, and hierarchies. Check box N/A

Follow these guidelines before setting the Scope Options for Demand Plan.

  1. Plan must be enabled for archiving to use this option. Specify archiving parameters, and select the Measure Catalog for Archival option in Edit Plan Options using the Select Advanced Options button on the Scope tab.
  2. The Measure Catalog for Archival should only contain the measures that you want to archive. You should not archive all measures in the plan.

Scope Options

Parameter Optional or Required Description Parameter Values Special Combinations Required
Archive plan Optional Stores a copy of the values of the measures specified in the Measure Catalog for Archival plan option. These can then be used for comparison purposes. For example, to compare forecast generated in last 3 months to actual demand. Check box N/A

Follow these guidelines before setting the Demand Plan Run Options for Demand Plan.

  1. The Forecasting Profiles available for selection are those selected on the Demand tab in the Edit Plan Options UI.

  2. Do not select multiple forecast profiles having a same input measure but different output measure.

  3. When using an analysis set option for forecast profiles, the selected Analysis Set between the forecast profiles must not result in overlapping or common population. For example, if you have defined a couple of analysis sets with product level member filters, one with product A and B and another one with product B, C, and D then don’t select this two-analysis set in the forecast profiles since they both have a common product B between them.

  4. Each forecast profile contains multiple child processes based on forecast profile’s forecasting table definition. Refer to the white paper on Fusion DM Analytical Forecast Tree (Doc ID 2551478.1) for forecasting table (also known as forecast tree) setup best practices.

Demand Plan Run Options

Parameter Optional or Required Description Parameter Values Special Combinations Required
Forecast Profiles Optional Select from the list of available Forecasting Profiles, the one(s) you want to use to generate statistical forecasts. Check box N/A
Include details of forecast methods Optional Generates data required to decompose the statistical forecast based on the methods used to generate it. Selecting this option increases the runtime of the plan. Check box N/A
Include details of causal factors Optional Generates data required to decompose the statistical forecast based on the grouping of causal factors used to generate it. Selecting this option increases the runtime of the plan. Check box N/A

Parameters for Demand and Supply Plan

Follow these guidelines before setting the Data Refresh Options for Demand and Supply Plan

  1. One of the Data Refresh Options must be selected. Select Refresh with current data option when a plan is selected to run for the first time.
  2. Refresh with selected current data option is applicable only for planning supplies in an integrated demand and supply plan
  3. Refresh with current data option will advance the plan’s start date to the current system date and refresh data for all measures that are enabled for Refresh with current data option in Manage Planning Measures. Values for editable measures that are not enabled for Refresh with current data option will be retained.

  4. Set the profile option MSC_DFLT_SHIPMENT_HIST_MEASURE and MSC_DFLT_BOOKING_HIST_MEASURE to the shipments and bookings history variant measures respectively for which the data is collected.

Data Refresh Options

Parameter Optional or Required Description Parameter Values Special Combinations Required
Do not refresh with current data. Optional Plan data is not updated. Any data collected since previous plan run will not be available in the plan. Check box N/A
Refresh with selected current data. Optional Plan data will be selectively refreshed with collected data based on options selected from list of values. Check box with list of values – All, Demand history and measures, Forecasts, Sales Orders, Supplies. N/A
Refresh with current data Optional Plan data will be refreshed with collected data including measure data, master data, supply data, demand data and hierarchies. Check box N/A

The following are the parameters for Scope Options in Demand and Supply Plan.

Scope Options

Parameter Optional or Required Description Parameter Values Special Combinations Required
Plan Demand Optional Plans forecast demand when running a plan. Selected by default for an integrated demand and supply plan and when Refresh with Current data option is selected. Check box N/A
Approve Plan Optional Approves the plan. Applicable for approving statistical forecast generated in a demand and supply plan. Check box N/A
Recalculate Safety Stock Optional Recalculates safety stock in a plan run. Applicable only when one of the following safety stock planning methods is selected on the Plan Options page: Safety Stock tab. Statistical safety stock for end items, none for all others. Statistical for end items, user-specified for all others. Check box N/A
Plan Supply Optional Plans supplies when running a plan. Selected by default for an integrated demand and supply plan and when refresh with current data option is selected. Check box N/A
Archive plan Optional Stores a copy of the values of the measures specified in the Measure Catalog for Archival. These can then be used for comparisons. Plan must be enabled for archiving to use this option. While archiving, specify archiving parameters, and select the Measure Catalog for Archival plan option in Edit Plan Options using the Select Advanced Options button on the Scope tab. The Measure Catalog for Archival plan option should only contain the measures that you want to archive. You should not archive all measures in the plan. Check box N/A

Follow these guidelines before setting the Demand Plan Run Options for Demand and Supply Plan:

  1. Do not select multiple forecast profiles having a same input measure but different output measure.

  2. When using an analysis set option for forecast profiles, the selected Analysis Set between the forecast profiles must not result in overlapping or common population. For example, if you have defined a couple of analysis sets with product level member filters, one with product A and B and another one with product B, C, and D then don’t select this two-analysis set in the forecast profiles since they both have a common product B between them.

  3. Each forecast profile contains multiple child Oracle Enterprise Scheduler processes based on forecast profile’s forecasting table definition. Refer to the white paper on Fusion DM Analytical Forecast Tree (Doc ID 2551478.1) for forecasting table (also known as forecast tree) setup best practices.

Demand Plan Run Options

Parameter Optional or Required Description Parameter Values Special Combinations Required
Forecast Profiles Optional Select from the list of available Forecasting Profiles, the one(s) you want to use to generate statistical forecasts. Check box N/A
Include details of forecast methods Optional Generates data required to decompose the statistical forecast based on the methods used to generate it. Selecting this option increases the runtime of the plan. Check box N/A
Include details of causal factors Optional Generates data required to decompose the statistical forecast based on the grouping of causal factors used to generate it. Selecting this option increases the runtime of the plan. Check box

Parameters for Replenishment Plan

Follow these guidelines before setting the Data Refresh Options for Replenishment Plan.

  1. One of the Data Refresh Options must be selected. Select the Refresh with current data option is selected when a plan is selected to run for the first time

  2. Refresh with net-changed data option is enabled only when the Enable for incremental planning and Calculate replenishments options are enabled.

  3. Use Select item locations option to replan in Manage Replan Details page. Manage Replan Details link is enabled only if Do not refresh with current data option is selected.

Data Refresh Options

Parameter Optional or Required Description Parameter Values Special Combinations Required
Do not refresh with current data. Optional Plan data is not updated. Any data collected since the previous plan run will be unavailable in the plan. Check box N/A
Refresh with net changed data. Optional Plan will be refreshed with net change supplies and demands. Check box N/A
Refresh with current data. Optional Plan data will be refreshed with collected data including measure data, master data, supply data, demand data and hierarchies. Check box N/A

The following are the parameters for Scope Options in Replenishment Plan.

Scope Options

Parameter Optional or Required Description Parameter Values Special Combinations Required
Generate forecast Optional Plan will generate forecasts. The check box is enabled only when the Generate forecast check box is selected on the Plan Options page. If this check box is enabled, and you're running the replenishment plan for the first time, the check box in the dialog box is selected by default and can't be deselected. Check box N/A
Calculate policy parameters Optional Plan calculates policy parameters. The check box is enabled only when the Calculate policy parameters check box is selected on the Plan Options page. If this check box is enabled, and you're running the replenishment plan for the first time, the check box in the dialog box is selected by default and can't be deselected. Check box N/A
Calculate replenishments Optional Plan calculates replenishments. The check box is enabled only when the Calculate replenishments check box is selected on the Plan Options page. If this check box is enabled, and you're running the replenishment plan for the first time, the check box in the dialog box is selected by default and can't be deselected. Check box N/A
Rebalance inventory Optional Plan rebalances inventory. This check box is enabled only when the Rebalance inventory check box is selected on the Plan Options page. If this check box is enabled, and you're running the replenishment plan for the first time, the check box in the dialog box is selected by default and can't be deselected. Check box N/A
Archive plan Optional Stores a copy of the values of the measures specified in the Measure Catalog for Archival. These can then be used for comparisons. Plan must be enabled for archiving to use this option. While archiving, specify archiving parameters, and select the Measure Catalog for Archival in Edit Plan Options using the Select Advanced Options button on the Scope tab. The Measure Catalog for Archival should only contain the measures that you want to archive. You should not archive all the measures in the plan. Check box

Parameters for Sales and Operations Plan

Note: While setting the Data Refresh Options, one of the Data Refresh Options must be selected. Select the Refresh with current data option when a plan is selected to run for the first time.

Data Refresh Options

Parameter Optional or Required Description Parameter Values Special Combinations Required
Do not refresh with current data. Optional Use to simulate adjustments in the demands and supplies. This loads plan data in memory. Any data collected since the previous plan run will be unavailable in the plan. Check box N/A
Refresh with current data Optional Plan data will be refreshed with collected data including measure data, master data, supply data, demand data and hierarchies. This loads plan data in memory. Check box N/A

The following are the parameters for Scope Options in Sales and Operations Plan.

Scope Options

Parameter Optional or Required Description Parameter Values Special Combinations Required
Plan Demand Optional Plan forecast demand when running a plan. Unselect this option when the Do not refresh with current data option is selected and no forecast profile is selected. Check box N/A
Plan Supply Optional Plan supplies when running a plan. Check box N/A
Archive Plan Optional Stores a copy of the values of the measures specified in the Measure Catalog for Archival. These can then be used for comparisons. Plan must be enabled for archiving to use this option. While archiving, specify archiving parameters, and select the Measure Catalog for Archival in Edit Plan Options using the Select Advanced Options button on the Scope tab. The Measure Catalog for Archival should only contain the measures that you want to archive. You should not archive all measures in the plan. Check box N/A

Follow these guidelines before setting the Demand Plan Run Options for Sales and Operations Plan.

  1. The Forecasting Profiles available for selection are those selected on the Demand tab in Edit Plan Options.

  2. Do not select multiple forecast profiles having a same input measure but different output measure.

  3. When using an analysis set option for forecast profiles, the selected Analysis Set between the forecast profiles must not result in overlapping or common population. For example, if you have defined a couple of analysis sets with product level member filters, one with product A and B and another one with product B, C, and D then don’t select this two-analysis set in the forecast profiles since they both have a common product B between them.

  4. Each forecast profile spawns multiple child processes based on forecast profile’s forecasting table definition. Refer to the white paper on Fusion DM Analytical Forecast Tree (Doc ID 2551478.1) for forecasting table (also known as forecast tree) setup best practices.

Demand Plan Run Options

Parameter Optional or Required Description Parameter Values Special Combinations Required
Forecast Profiles Optional Select from the list of available Forecasting Profiles, the one(s) you want to use to generate statistical forecasts. Check box N/A

Parameters for Supply Plan

Follow these guidelines before setting the Data Refresh Options for Supply Plan.

  1. One of the Data Refresh Options must be selected. Select Refresh with Current data when a plan is selected to run for the first time.
  2. Refresh with current data option will advance the plan’s start date to the current system date.

Data Refresh Options

Parameter Optional or Required Description Parameter Values Special Combinations Required
Do not refresh with current data. Optional Plan data is not updated. Any data collected since the previous plan run will be unavailable in the plan. Check box N/A
Refresh with selected current data. Optional Plan data will be selectively refreshed with collected data based on options selected from list of values. Check box with list of values – All, Forecasts, Sales Orders, Supplies N/A
Refresh with current data Optional Plan data will be refreshed with collected data including measure data, master data, supply data, demand data and hierarchies. Check box N/A

The following are the parameters for Scope Options in Supply Plan.

Scope Options

Parameter Optional or Required Description Parameter Values Special Combinations Required
Recalculate Safety Stock Optional Recalculates safety stock in a plan run. Applicable only when only when one of the following safety stock planning methods is selected on the Plan Options page, Safety Stock tab:

Statistical safety stock for end items and none for all others

Statistical for end items and user-specified for all others

Check box N/A
Archive Plan Optional Stores a copy of the values of the measures specified in the Measure Catalog for Archival. These can then be used for comparisons.

Plan must be enabled for archiving to use this option. While archiving, specify archiving parameters, and select the Measure Catalog for Archival in Edit Plan Options using the Select Advanced Options button on the Scope tab.

The Measure Catalog for Archival should only contain the measures that you want to archive. You should not archive all measures in the plan.

Check box N/A

Troubleshooting Information

  • You can view the status of the Batch Run Plan process in the Scheduled Processes work area.
  • The validation errors and warning messages that prevented the plan run from completing are displayed in the error log.
  • Navigate to Manage Plans, select the plan and open the table Review Plan Messages to review additional warnings and error messages for the process.
  • When the program is submitted, you can Resubmit, Put on Hold, Cancel Process, Release Process as provided by the Scheduled Processes work area.
  • Check these things if the job performance is slower than expected or not finishing:
    • Review whether there is any change to the plan options.
    • Review whether any data collection process is running during the execution of Batch Run Plan.
  • For a long-running demand plan, demand and supply plan, replenishment plan, sales and operations plan, or supply plan run that appears to be stuck and not finishing, follow these steps to cancel the process:
    1. Get the process ID for Run Plan, a process within the Batch Run Plan process. For example, you can find this detail from Manage Plans in the Sales and Operations Planning work area by selecting the plan followed by selecting the View Status Details action.
    2. Search for the process ID in the Scheduled Processes work area. Select the Run Plan row in the search results. Then, select the Cancel Process button.
      Note: On the UI, the Run Plan process option is within the Batch Run Plan process option.
    3. You might also need to use the Close plan action to unload the plan from memory. This resets the plan status to Error, and then you can run the plan again. From Manage Plans, select the plan followed by the Close action.
  • If the job fails:
    • Review the error messages in the log file.
    • Review details in Review Plan Messages page for the current execution of the plan.
    • If the reason for failure isn’t clear from the logs, as a next step, review finer details in diagnostic logs and plan extract with the help of product support.