Calculate Inventory Balances for Oracle Buyer Planning

Use the Calculate Inventory Balances for Buyer Planning scheduled process to calculate the time series values for the Updated Projected Available Balance measure.

The process calculates these values for all item-organization combinations for any plan that has been updated since the last time the process ran.

When to Use

Run the Calculate Inventory Balances for Buyer Planning scheduled process after you make material updates to plan recommendations—for example, updates to implement quantities or to implement dock dates. You can change values manually or when consolidating orders.

The Calculate Inventory Balances for Buyer Planning scheduled process will automatically execute when you select Inventory Analysis from the More Actions menu on the Buyer Planning details page.

Privileges Required

  • Edit Planning Recommendations (MSC_EDIT_SUPPLIES_BUYER_PLANNING_PRIV)


Specification Description
Job Type Can be run automatically based on specific user actions, or it can be submitted on a spontaneous basis, if required.
Frequency Can be run on an as-needed basis
Time of Day Can be run at any time.
Duration Typically, less than 1 minute.
Compatibility Only one instance of the job should be running at any time. There’s no current functional need to run multiple instances of this process simultaneously.


Parameter Optional or Required Description Parameter Value Special Combinations Required Notes
Plan Name Required The name of the replenishment plan Plan name None NA

Troubleshooting Information

  • You can view the status of the Calculate Inventory Balances for Buyer Planning process in the Scheduled Processes work area.
  • The validation errors and warning messages that prevented the calculation of inventory balances display in the error log.
  • The process does not perform interactive warning validations.
  • After you submit the scheduled process, you can perform any of these tasks in the Scheduled Processes work area:
    • Resubmit it
    • Cancel the process
    • View the log