Calculate Lead Times and Roll Up Cumulative Lead Times

Use the scheduled process Calculate Lead Times and Roll Up Cumulative Lead Times to calculate the single level manufacturing lead times, and then roll up the manufacturing and purchasing lead times to calculate the cumulative lead times of manufactured items across the work definition hierarchy.

When to Use

The calculation of the manufacturing lead times and the roll up of cumulative lead times can be done independently based on the scope selected in the parameters of the scheduled process.

Lead time values of manufactured items are calculated and stored in the item definition. It is used in supply chain to promise and plan your manufactured items. The Lead time calculation is required to be performed only if you plan to implement Order Promising or Supply Planning or Sales & Operations Planning along with Manufacturing.

  • Order Promising uses cumulative manufacturing lead time and cumulative total lead time values in ATP rules for lead time based promising and for time fence determination.
  • Supply Planning uses manufacturing lead times to plan the supply dates in constrained and unconstrained mode planning. Cumulative lead times values are not used by supply planning.
  • Sales & Operations Planning considers manufacturing lead times to offset production. Processing lead time is also considered in the generation of bill of resources for GOP CTP. Cumulative lead times values are not used.

Privileges Required

  • Calculate Manufacturing Lead Times (WIS_CALCULATE_MANUFACTURING_LEAD_TIMES_PRIV)


Calculation of both manufacturing lead time values and cumulative lead time values are performance intensive and can take up a large execution duration ranging from few hours to days depending on the volume of the items submitted, the number of levels in the work definition hierarchy, and the work definition resource details used in your implementation. You need to carefully plan what parameters and how frequently to run the lead time scheduled process. Here are a few recommendations:

  • Review if your implementation needs both manufacturing and cumulative lead times to be calculated. You must run the program in Calculate Manufacturing Lead Times scope before running the Calculate Cumulative Lead Times scope. It is not preferred to run the program in Calculate Manufacturing and Cumulative Lead Times scope as specifying a large range of items in this mode can cause a long execution time.
  • It is a good practice to use item categories and planner codes to functionally classify mutually exclusive set of items used in manufacturing so that the scheduled process can be submitted separately for item categories and planner code. Running the scheduled process for a manageable subset of items helps improve the execution time while helping you focus on those items which require more frequent lead time updates. If existing item categories cannot be used, you may evaluate the creation of a new item catalog and corresponding item categories for your manufactured items based on their business criticality and lead time recalculation frequency.
  • Ensure you have set the Make or Buy attribute correctly in the item definition. Make items should have the primary work definition defined. Buy items typically don’t have work definitions.
Specification Description
Job Type Scheduled or as needed.
Frequency Lead time calculation program is not designed to run too frequently.

You can run the scheduled process in different frequencies for each item category or planner code depending on how often you have engineering changes such as work definition resource usage updates, item lead time attribute changes, work definition component addition or deletion, etc for those items.

For a specific manufacturing plant, you can run scheduled process in Calculate Manufacturing Lead Times scope concurrently for mutually exclusive set of items either by specifying an item range, or using item categories or planner codes. You should not run the manufacturing lead time calculation or cumulative lead time calculation concurrently for the same item in a manufacturing plant, as this will lead to technical failures due to locking.

You can run the lead time program concurrently in different manufacturing plants as long as the item definition and item structures are defined specific to the plant.

Time of Day Since lead time calculation takes a large execution time, it is preferred to run this scheduled process at midnight or during off peak hours and on weekends.
Duration Runtime for this process can range from few minutes to few hours or days depending on the volume and nature of data.
Compatibility There can be multiple instances of the process running at any time, but it is recommended to schedule as minimum jobs as possible preferably not more than 5 jobs.


Use these parameters when running the scheduled process:

Parameter Description
Scope Select the scope for lead time calculation. You must run the program in the Calculate Manufacturing Lead Times scope before running the Calculate Cumulative Lead Times scope. It isn't preferred to run the program in Calculate Manufacturing and Cumulative Lead Times scope for a large range of items because this mode can take a long time.
Organization Select the manufacturing plant.
Item Catalog Select the item catalog for the items whose lead time values are to be calculated.
From Item Select the item that defines the start of the range of items that you want to include. Items are ordered in alphabetical order.
To Item Select the item that defines the end of the range of items that you want to include. Items are ordered in alphabetical order.
Item Category Select one of more item categories belonging to the item catalog selected earlier. If specified, the lead time calculation is restricted to the items belonging to the selected item categories
Calculation Date Select the date on which the lead time is to be computed for the selected items. The program uses this calculation date to derive the work definition version to use for the manufacturing lead time calculation. If you are scheduling the program to be run in the future, ensure that you have a future date specified as the calculation date and that you don’t use future effective versions in work definition.
Planner Select the planner responsible for the items. If specified, the lead time calculation is restricted to the items belonging to the specified planner.
Include ATO Model Select whether items of the ATO model category should be included in the lead time calculation.

Troubleshooting Information

  • You can view the status of the process in the Scheduled Processes work area.
  • You can review the calculated values of lead times either in the output text file of the scheduled process, or in the Manage Items user interface or using a custom OTBI report.
  • You can view technical and functional errors encountered during the calculation process in the output log file of the scheduled process.

Here are some possible functional troubleshooting tips:

  • Lead time value is not calculated or runs into error.
    • Verify if the item attribute Make of Buy is set to Make for manufactured items.
    • Make items must have work definitions defined with production priority = 1.
    • Make items must have a work definition version which is effective for the calculation date and time specified in the parameters of the scheduled process.
    • Verify if the item range has items whose item category and planner code are specified.
    • If the calculation was successful, but item import failed, verify if the lead time item attributes are updatable in the manufacturing plant.
    • Verify if the work definition has resources with the Scheduled option = Yes.
  • Lead time value is incorrect:
    • Verify if the work center resources used in work definition are associated with the shifts of the calendar.
    • Verify if the Hours UOM Profile is setup correctly.
    • For process work definitions, manufacturing lead times of co-product and by-product items are copied over from the primary product item, if they do not have a work definition of their own, in which it is the primary product item.
    • For process work definitions, lead times are calculated considering all operations of the work definition, irrespective of which operation the primary product is yielded.
  • Lead time program is taking a very long time:
    • Consider running multiple scheduled processes in parallel to calculate the manufacturing lead time for a subset of mutually exclusive items.
    • Consider running the scheduled process to first calculate the manufacturing lead time separately and then run the scheduled process to calculate the cumulative lead time.