Calculate Measure Based Exception

Use the Calculate Measure Based Exception scheduled process to calculate measure-based exceptions for a given plan and exception set independent of a plan run.

When to Use

Run the Calculate Measure Based Exception scheduled process whenever you want to calculate measure-based exceptions on an incremental basis based on user updates since the last plan run.

The Calculate Measure Based Exception scheduled process can also be used when you have configured new exceptions or modified the configuration of existing exceptions and want to see the results.

Privileges Required

  • Run Plan with Snapshot (MSC_RUN_PLAN_WITH_SNAPSHOT_PRIV)


If you want to use the Calculate Measure Based Exception process to calculate a subset of the exceptions included in the exception set selected in the plan, then you will need to configure a new exception set that contains only the exceptions that you want to calculate.

Review the following before setting up this scheduled process:

Specification Description
Job Type

Run as an ad hoc job or schedule to run on a regular basis, such as nightly.

If you have configured new exceptions or modified the configuration of existing exceptions, then you can run the process as an ad hoc job to calculate these new and modified exceptions.

If you want to re-calculate exceptions based on measure edits made by planners more frequently than when the plan is run, then you can schedule the process to run on a regular basis. For example, if the plan run is scheduled for once a week, then you can schedule the Calculate Measure Based Exception process to run every night.


Can be run nightly to calculate exceptions based on measure edits made by planners during the day.

Can be run during the day to calculate new or modified exceptions.

Can also be run during the day if significant measure edits were made and the impact of these on the exceptions needs to be identified.

Time of Day Typically run during off-hours such as overnight or on the weekend. However, this process can also be run during the day if there is a need to re-calculate exceptions.
Duration Variable based on the number of exceptions being calculated and the data volume of the plan.
Compatibility The Calculate Measure Based Exception process and Plan Run process cannot be run simultaneously for the same plan. If they are submitted at the same time for the same plan, then the processes will run sequentially.


Parameter Optional or Required Description Parameter Value Special Combinations Required
Plan Required The plan that you want to calculate measure-based exceptions for. List of existing plans. None
Exception Set Optional The exception set that contains the exceptions that you want to calculate.

List of existing exceptions sets.

Leave blank to calculate all exceptions in the exception set selected in the plan.

Select a specific exception set from the list of values it you want to calculate a subset of the exceptions in the exception set selected in the plan. Only the exceptions included in the selected exception set will be recalculated. Any other exceptions in the plan will not be deleted or updated.


Troubleshooting Information

  • You can view the status of the Calculate Measure Based Exception process in the Scheduled Processes work area.
  • When the program is submitted, you can Resubmit, Put on Hold, Cancel Process, or Release Process as provided by the Scheduled Processes work area.
  • When the process completes, the log generated by the process will list the specific exceptions processed and the count for each. If an exception can't be calculated, then an explanation will be provided.
  • The Calculate Measure Based Exception process doesn't recalculate predefined order-based exceptions.
  • If the Exception Set parameter is blank in the Calculate Measure Based Exception process, then the process will use the exception set associated with the plan.
  • The Exceptions calculation will be based on the current definition of those exceptions including any changes to the definition since the last plan run.
  • You must refresh the application to see the recalculation results.