Delete Plan Archive

Use the Delete Plan Archive scheduled process to clean up unwanted archived data versions in Supply Chain Planning. You can delete the archives of a plan based on an archive version, a time range, or all archives for a plan.

Note: Be careful when you run the Delete Plan scheduled process. It not only deletes the plan, but it also permanently deletes all the archive versions associated with that plan.

When to Use

Run the Delete Plan Archive scheduled process whenever you want to delete unused plan measure archives. When this data is removed, the plan will run more efficiently and will improve analysis performance.

You can delete plan measure archives for these plans:

  • Demand
  • Supply
  • Demand and Supply
  • Sales and Operations

Privileges Required

  • Manage Rolling Archives (MSC_MANAGE_ROLLING_ARCHIVES_PRIV)
    Note: Required for running Delete Plan archives with Enable for MAPE calculations.
  • Delete Plans (MSC_DELETE_PLANS_PRIV)


Specification Description
Job Type Can run at any time, or scheduled to run as needed.
Frequency Run as part of your administration tasks, but not very frequently.
Time of Day Typically run during off-hours such as overnight or on the weekend.
Duration Varies, based on the date range or number of archives in delete scope.
Compatibility It's recommended that you don't run the Delete Plan Archive and Plan Run processes simultaneously for the same plan.


Parameter Optional or Required Description Parameter Value Special Combinations Required Notes
Plan Required The plan for which you want to delete archives. List of existing plans having the Archive option enabled in plan options. None NA
Include MAPE archives Optional The option to delete MAPE archives, along with other archives for the plan selected. Select the check box. None NA
Delete MAPE archives only Optional The option to delete only MAPE archives for the plan selected. Select the check box. None NA
Archive Parameters Required Other parameters required to delete the archives. None None NA
Archives to delete Optional Existing archives to be deleted, per the business decision. List of all previously created archives for the plan. Select All to delete all the archives. None NA
Delete archives within time range Optional The date range for the existing archives to be deleted, per the business decision. None None NA
From Date Required if you select Delete archives within time range. Otherwise, optional. The From date of the archive-deletion time window. Select the From date. None NA
To Date Required if you select Delete archives within time range. Otherwise, optional. The To date of the archive-deletion time window. Select the To date. None NA

Troubleshooting Information

  • Confirm the archives you select for deletion before you permanently delete them. They can't be restored.
  • You can view the status of the Delete Plan Archive process in the Scheduled Processes work area.
  • After you submit the scheduled process, you can perform any of these tasks in the Scheduled Processes work area:
    • Resubmit it
    • Put it on hold
    • Cancel the process
    • Release the process
  • Review process details in the log file, including warning and error messages.