Generate Bucket Sets

Use the Generate Bucket Sets scheduled process to automatically keep bucket sets up to date with reference data and transactional data.

When to Use

See Use Decision Tables and Bucket Sets in Business Rules.

Privileges Required

  • Generate Bucket Sets for Business Rules (DOO_GENERATE_BUCKET_SETS_FOR_BUSINESS_RULES_PRIV)


Use these specifications when you run the scheduled process.

Specification Description
Job Type As needed.
Frequency As needed.
Time of Day Any time.
Duration Varies depending on the parameters that you set when you run the scheduled process.
Compatibility You can run more than one instance of this scheduled process at the same time. However, to avoid conflicts, we recommend that you run only one instance at a time.


See Use Decision Tables and Bucket Sets in Business Rules.

For important details, see Guidelines for Using Scheduled Processes in Order Management.

For more information, see Create Transformation Rules and Manage Errors and Conflicts in Business Rules.