Generate Movement Request Documents

The Generate Movement Request Documents scheduled process is a job set that contains the Print Movement Request Pick Slip Report scheduled process.

Use the Print Movement Request Pick Slip Report scheduled process to release movement request lines for picking and to generate corresponding movement request pick slip reports.

When to Use

The Generate Movement Request Documents job set is not run manually, it’s used when configuring whether the output goes to a printer, email, or fax.

The job set is assigned using the Manage Inventory Document Output Preferences task from the Setup and Maintenance work area.

Use the Print Movement Request Pick Slip Report scheduled process if you want to run this manually.

Privileges Required

  • Print Movement Request Pick Slip Report (INV_PRINT_MOVEMENT_REQUEST_PICK_SLIP_REPORT_PRIV)


Review the following before setting up this scheduled process:
Specification Description
Job Type Ad hoc



As required, after movement requests have been created and preapproved.

The frequency depends on the number of movement requests requiring processing. Additionally, the frequency can also depend on your organization’s material picking schedule. For example, you may want to consider running the process immediately prior to starting picking activities within your warehouse.

Time of Day Any time.
Duration The runtime of this process varies based on the number of movement requests requiring processing. Additionally, movement requests for lot and serial-controlled items can take additional processing time.

There should be only one instance of the Print Movement Request Pick Slip Report process running at any one time.

Consider other scheduled processes that are being submitted at the same time. For example, processes such as Transfer Transactions from Inventory to Costing can be submitted after the Manage Inventory Transactions process.


Parameter Optional or Required Description Parameter Values Special Combinations Required Notes
Organization Required Select the inventory organization. You can run this process for those inventory organizations for which you have inventory organization data access. Inventory organization None N/A
From Movement Request Optional Select the starting movement request for a range of movement requests. Movement request None N/A
To Movement Request Optional Select the ending movement request for a range of movement requests. Movement request None N/A
From Pick Slip Optional Select the starting pick slip for a range of pick slips. Pick slip None N/A
To Pick Slip Optional Select the ending pick slip for a range of pick slips. Pick slip None N/A
Source Subinventory Optional Select the source subinventory for the movement request. Subinventory None N/A
Source Locator Optional Select the source locator for the movement request. Locator None N/A
Destination Subinventory Optional Select the destination subinventory for the movement request. Subinventory None N/A
Destination Locator Optional Select the destination locator for the movement request. Locator None N/A
Requester Optional Select the requester name associated with the movement request. Requester None N/A
From Required Date Optional Select the starting movement request required date for a range of dates. Date None N/A
To Required Date Optional Select the ending movement request required date for a range of dates. Date None N/A
Line Status to Print Optional Select the line status to print.


Completed picks

Open picks



All - Includes movement requests with a pick status of Completed picks, Open picks, and Unallocated movement request.

Complete picks - Movement request lines with a pick status of Completed picks.

Open picks - Movement request lines with a pick status of Open picks.

Unallocated - Movement request lines with a pick status of Unallocated movement request.

Troubleshooting Information

  • You can view the status of the process in the Scheduled Processes work area. If the process status is error, select the row and click the log and output attachment on the Process Details tab. Download the log and output file. Share the files with support to log a service request.
  • If the process has completed successfully, use the pick release logs to view details about your submitted pick wave process. These logs also give you a quick and easy way to identify which lines were excluded from being released to your warehouse for picking and why they were omitted. The log messages are created when pick release is performed using the Schedule Pick Wave scheduled process or the Release Pick Wave scheduled process (submitted by the Add to Release Schedule option on the Create Pick Wave page). The logs provide you with this information:
    • Pick release demand selection criteria
    • Pick release processing parameters
    • Pick release sequence
    • Dynamic SQL statement used
    • Overall count of the shipment lines that were excluded from selection with the reason those lines were excluded
  • In addition, you can also view the exact shipment line numbers that were excluded if you set the Enable Pick Release Detailed profile option (ORA_WSH_PICK_RELEASE_ESS_DETAIL_LOGGING) to Y. This option is set to N by default.