Item Keyword Search

Use the Item Keyword Search scheduled process to build and manage the item keyword search index.

The Item Keyword Search process provides administrative level control over the item keyword index and provides overall control of the index build process, rebuild process, and analyze fragmentation issues.

Use the Manage Item Keyword Search Attributes task in the Setup and Maintenance work area to add or remove attributes, add or remove organization, and add or remove languages. The Item Keyword Search process will be run automatically.

Privileges Required

  • Manage Item Keyword Search Attribute (ORA_EGP_ITEM_KEYWORD_SEARCH_ATTR_PRIV)


Review the following before setting up this scheduled process:

Specification Description
Job Type

You can run this job immediately or schedule it for a future date.

Some operations performed by this process require a lot of time to complete and are often scheduled to run during nonworking hours.

Frequency This scheduled process is initiated automatically as part of the Manage Item Keyword Search Attributes task.
Time of Day

This scheduled process is initiated automatically as part of the Manage Item Keyword Search Attributes task.

Also, maintenance level operations are usually scheduled after work hours.

Duration Actions such as rebuild may take a long time. The time depends on the number of items and the item record size.
Compatibility None


Parameter Optional or Required Description Parameter Values Special Combinations Required Notes
Action Optional Specify the action to perform on the item keyword search index. Create: Creates the index, if it isn’t present. This action indexes all items in the instance.

Drop: Removes the item keyword index. Use this action only when the index is damaged, and it needs to be indexed from the beginning.

Update: Checks if any additions or deletions have been made to the list of keyword attributes using the Manage Keyword Attributes task. This action will reindex all rows or the affected rows, depending on whether the predefined attributes have been added or deleted.

Rebuild: Reindexes all rows. Use this action only when the index is damaged, and it needs to be rebuilt. The process of rebuilding the index takes a long time to complete.

Sync: Processes the index changes in the queue.

Optimize: Optimizes fragmentation in the item keyword index.

Remove deleted items: Removes items that have been deleted through Delete Groups and need to be removed from the item keyword index.

None After adding a new language to the Keyword Search Index, you must run the Item Keyword Search scheduled process with the Sync action. If you don't run the schedule process with the Sync option, you won't get an index search result. The process can't find the items because they aren't yet indexed.

During an upgrade, if you've scheduled this process before the upgrade, you must cancel the process and resubmit it after the upgrade.

Remove Deleted Items action must be submitted after running Deleted Groups.

Optimization Level Required if Action is Optimize Select the optimization level to scan the index and remove fragmentation.

Fast: Performs a quick scan of the index and removes most fragmentation.

Full: Performs a complete scan of the index and removes fragmentation.

Specify this parameter if the Action parameter value is Optimize. N/A
Maximum Time Required if Action is Optimize and the Optimization Level is Full. Specify the time in minutes after which the optimize operation should stop. Time in minutes Specify this parameter if the Action parameter is Optimize and the Optimization Level is Full. N/A
Import Request ID Required if Action is Sync. Identifier of the item import request job for which the impacted items must be synced to the index. Item batch identifier for the import job. Specify this parameter if the Action parameter is Sync. N/A
Start Date Required if Action is Sync. Specify the start date to indicate when the updated items must be synced to index. Select the date using the calendar icon or specify the date in the m/d/yy format. Specify this parameter if the Action parameter is Sync. N/A
End Date Required if Action is Sync. Specify the end date to indicate by when the updated items must be synced to index. Select the date using the calendar icon or specify the date in the m/d/yy format. Specify this parameter if the Action parameter is Sync. N/A

Troubleshooting Information

Check the percentage of fragmentation using the Upgrade Product Management Data scheduled process with the Upgrade Process parameter set to Analysis, Functional Area set to Item Keyword Index, and Parameter1 set to INTERFACE.
  • If fragmentation percentage is <= 5%, no optimization needed.
  • If fragmentation percentage is >5% and < 40%, then use Fast as the parameter value for Optimization Level.
  • If fragmentation percentage is >=40%, then use the Rebuild action.

Related Topics

Build Item Keyword Index