Print Maintenance Work Material List Report

Use the Work Order Material List Report scheduled process to view a list of work orders that have operations with material items.

The report provides a complete view of the work order header and each operation's materials requirements, providing a planner and technician with all the necessary information to prepare for and execute each work order operation. You have the flexibility to control the creation, view, download, and printing of the report using a PDF format.

The report is organized by each work order, including work order number, description, asset number, status, start date, completion date, asset quantity, and unit of measure. If your organization is project-tracked, you can also view the associated project number and task number for the project-specific work orders.

Within each work order, the materials are listed in order of the operation sequence. This includes details such as the item number, description, operation sequence, operation name, work center, required quantity, unit of measure, basis, supply type, required date, sub-inventory, and locator.

Several report fields also include bar codes, including work order number, asset number, and item number.

Note: The report will only reference operation material items for work orders in the contextual maintenance organization. However, you can't generate a report across maintenance organizations.

You can access this report from the locations:

Location Description

Manage Maintenance Work Orders page

You can generate the report for a single work order row returned in the results table by selecting the row level action labeled Print to PDF, then select the Print Material List option. This action generates a single on-demand report in PDF format for you to review. The report can be opened in a PDF view or saved for later viewing.

Maintenance Management work area task panel

The task Print Work Order Material List navigates you to a report page. This page enables you to run a scheduled process to generate and view the work order material list report based on one or more optional report parameters. Optionally, you can use the advanced options to schedule the report to run on a schedule.

Note: Because there isn't an Output tab under the Advanced options, you can’t pick the format or destination, so the report always uses as a PDF output file in the process.

Scheduled Processes work area

The report is not available for submittal using this location. Consider running from the task panel and providing the contextual maintenance organization.

When to Use

The maintenance work order material list report provides you the ability to perform:

  • Print work instructions for your technicians.
  • Offline review to ensure that the work order has been set up correctly before release.
  • Exchange information offline, for example, with quality engineers, operators, and so on.

Privileges Required

  • Print Maintenance Material List (MNT_PRINT_MAINTENANCE_MATERIAL_LIST_PRIV)


Use these specifications when you run the scheduled process.

Specification Description
Job Type As an ad hoc job, you can run at any time to generate the report from several different pages or from the task menu.
Frequency Running the report as an ad hoc job for a specific work order or limited range of work orders is recommended.
Time of Day If the report spans multiple work orders, it is recommended to run after hours to include the latest updates to the orders, and update their status.
Duration Typically, it will take several minutes, depending on the volume of data being created or updated. The range of work orders will extend the duration of the process.

As an ad hoc job, you can run multiple reports at the same time.


You must define at least a range of work order numbers or dates to process the report.

Parameter Optional or Required Description Parameter Value Special Combinations Required
From Work Order Conditional The beginning number of a range of work orders. If blank, then all versions are included. Work Order Number using an LOV. Yes, from and to work order numbers should be used together to define a range.
To Work Order Conditional The ending number of a range of work orders. If blank, then all versions are included. Work Order Number using an LOV. Yes, from and to work order numbers should be used together to define a range.
From Work Order Start Date Conditional The beginning date of a range of work orders. If blank, then all versions are included. Work Order Start Date using a date picker. Yes, start and end dates should be used together to define a range.
To Work Order End Date Conditional The ending date of a range of the Work Orders. If blank, then all versions are included. Work Order End Date using a date picker. Yes, start and end dates should be used together to define a range.
Work Order Asset Optional The asset that is defined in the Work Order header. Typically, this parameter is used in conjunction with a date range. Asset Number using an LOV. none
Work Center Optional The work center in which the work order is expected to be executed in. Work Center using an LOV. none
Work Order Status Optional The status of the work orders. If blank, then work orders of all statuses are included. Work Order Status using an LOV. none
From Material Required Date Optional The beginning date of a range of the material requirement dates. If blank, then all versions are included. From Date using a date picker. Yes, from and to dates should be used together to define a range.
To Material Required Date Optional The ending date of a range of the material requirement dates. If blank, then all versions are included. To Date using a date picker. Yes, from and to dates should be used together to define a range.
Group By Optional

Option to group materials by certain criteria in the report.

Yes or No check box selection. Default value is No. none
Sort By Optional

Option to sort by certain criteria in the report.

Yes or No check box selection. Default value is No. none

Troubleshooting Information

  • Once submitted, you can view the status of the process in the Scheduled Processes work area. A successfully completed process, as well as any child processes, will end in Succeeded status.
  • If issues are encountered, the process or any of its subprocesses may be Warning or Error. The specific validation errors and warning messages that prevented the process from completing successfully are displayed in the error log(s).
  • Any interactive warning validations are NOT performed.
  • When the process is submitted, you can Resubmit, Put on Hold, Cancel Process, Release Process as provided by the Scheduled Processes work area.