Purge Vendor-Managed Inventory Replenishment Requests

Use the Purge Vendor-Managed Inventory Replenishment Requests scheduled process to delete historical replenishment-request document data.

You can choose to purge the records based on the number of days since the last publish date, which you can further filter by status, organization, subinventory, supplier, or item.

When to Use

Use this process to delete replenishment-request document data based on data retention policies for your business.

Privileges Required

  • Purge VMI Replenishment Request Records (VCS_PURGE_REPL_REQUESTS_PRIV)


Review these specifications before setting up this scheduled process:

Specification Description
Job Type Can be run as any time, if required.
Frequency As required by your business, usually aligning with your data-retention policy.
Time of Day After work hours is recommended but can be submitted any time based on your requirements.
Duration Varies, based on the number of records to process but should usually only take a few minutes.
Compatibility No compatibility issues with other scheduled processes.


Parameter Optional or Required Description Parameter Value Special Combinations Required Notes
Request Creation Date Required

The operator for the From Date parameter.

Select On or before, On or after, or Equal as the operator for the From Date parameter. None NA
From Date Required The from date for which you want to purge replenishment-request document data. All data within this specified date range is purged from the database. Select the From Date for which you want to delete replenishment-request document data. None NA
Status Optional Status of the replenishment-request document for which you want to purge replenishment-request document data. Select replenishment-request Status for which you want to delete replenishment-request document data. None NA
Organization Optional Organization for which you want to purge replenishment-request document data. Select Organization for which you want to delete replenishment-request document data. None NA
Subinventory Optional Subinventory for which you want to purge replenishment-request document data. Select Subinventory for which you want to delete replenishment-request document data. Allows only subinventories for the given organization. NA
Supplier Optional Supplier name for which you want to purge replenishment-request document data. Select Supplier for which you want to delete replenishment-request document data. None NA
Item Optional Item for which you want to purge replenishment-request document data. Select Item for which you want to delete replenishment-request document data. None NA

Troubleshooting Information

  • You can view the status of the Purge Vendor-Managed Inventory Replenishment Requests scheduled process in the Scheduled Processes work area. A status notification indicates that the process has completed successfully.
  • Validation errors and warning messages that prevented this scheduled process from completing display in the error log.
  • The process does not perform interactive warning validations.
  • After you submit the scheduled process, you can perform any of these tasks in the Scheduled Processes work area:
    • Resubmit it
    • Put it on hold
    • Cancel the process
    • Release option