Schedule Item Import Job

Use the Schedule Item Import Job scheduled process to automatically import item data from a file in Oracle WebCenter Content to Oracle Product Hub based on the specified schedule. The item data feed is programmatically uploaded to Oracle WebCenter Content regularly. You can schedule this process to run on a specific day and time to import the item data into Product Hub.

You can import the following entities:
  • Items, item organization assignments, item revision, item category assignments, item operational attributes, and extensible flexfields associated with the item, item revision and item supplier address level.
  • Import related items, manufacturer part numbers, GTIN relationships, spoke system cross references, trading partner items, SKUs, and trading partner item relationships.
  • Import item and item revision level attachments.

When to Use

You can use this process to import items and all the child item entities into Product Hub from external systems using a file. The process can be scheduled to run and provide content that has been changed since the last time the process was scheduled to run.

Privileges Required

Verify that you’ve the EGP_IMPORT_ITEM_PRIV privilege.


Review the following before setting up this scheduled process:

Specification Description
Job Type Scheduled or ad hoc. Based on the need.
Frequency As required
Time of Day As and when required. Preferably after work hours at 00:00:00 AM if there's a huge volume of item data to be imported.
Duration Depends on the data volume.
Compatibility Multiple instances of this process can be run at the same time.


Use this table format for parameters:

Parameter Optional or Required Description Parameter Values Special Combinations Required Notes
Data File Path Mandatory Indicates the location of the import data file on Oracle WebCenter Content. Location of the import data file. None N/A
Attachment File Path Optional

Indicates the location of the attachments on Oracle WebCenter Content associated with the imported item data. The attachments have to be zipped and uploaded to Oracle WebCenter Content.

Location of the attachments. None N/A
Import Map Mandatory Name of the import map. Name of the import map. None N/A
Spoke System Mandatory Select the spoke system. Spoke system name. None N/A
Product Upload N/A Not relevant for this process. This parameter will be automatically populated when this process is used as a child process of another process. N/A None N/A
Product Hub Portal Flow N/A Not relevant for this process. This parameter will be automatically populated when this process is used as a child process of another process. N/A None N/A

Troubleshooting Information

  • You can view the status of the process by selecting the row in the Scheduled Processes work area and viewing the log or process details.
  • The validation errors and warning messages that prevented the item import are displayed in the error log.
  • Check these top two things if the job performance is slower than expected or not finishing:
    • How much content are you importing?
    • Have you purged the existing interface records?
  • If the process fails, do the following:
    • Check the parameters you've selected.
    • Review the Item Import job file and process details.

Related Topic

FAQs for Item Import