Export Supplies and Demands Data

You can export supplies and demands data into a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. However, what data gets exported depends on how and where you initiate the export process.

  • If you export data from the Supplies and Demands pegging mode, your spreadsheet includes child rows tied to each root node that's exported. The two options to export are:

    • Include All Child Rows: Export all child rows, even if they aren't expanded in the table.

    • Include Child Rows if Expanded: Export the child rows only if you have expanded them in the table.

    In pegging mode, the export process checks the FND_EXPORT_ROWLIMIT profile option. If a maximum row limit isn't defined, then the default is 20,000 rows. Also, you can only export up to 500 root nodes. If the export process reaches the row limit when exporting child rows, the process adds a line at the bottom of the exported worksheet stating that not all rows were exported.

  • If you export data from the Supplies and Demands plain table mode (also called flat file mode), the exported data includes only the records retrieved by your search, but doesn't include pegged data.

    The export process exports all rows that match your criteria until it reaches the maximum allowed by Microsoft Excel. If the export process reaches the row limit, the process adds a line at the bottom of the exported worksheet that not all rows were exported.