Define a Demand Priority Rule

Here's how you define a demand priority rule:

  1. Go the Backlog Management work area.

  2. Open the Tasks panel and select the Manage Demand Priority Rules link.

  3. On the Manage Demand Priority Rules page, in the Search Results section, click the Create icon, the Duplicate icon, or the Edit icon.

  4. Provide a name for your demand priority rule. You can also provide a description for it.

  5. In the Attribute column, select a demand priority attribute. You can add as many attributes as you want.

  6. In the Sort Order column specify the order in which values for this attribute will be prioritized.

  7. Review the attribute ranking. You can change it by clicking on an attribute row and then using the Move buttons to move the attribute up or down in the list.

  8. Save your demand priority rule.

Tip: If you need a rule that's similar to an existing rule, then consider duplicating the existing rule. When you duplicate an existing rule, say Rule XY_Z, the duplicate rule's name defaults to Copy of Rule XY_Z, but you can change it.