How Demand Priority Is Calculated Using Demand Priority Rules

On the Backlog Analysis page, you select a demand priority rule and click the Run Plan button. The backlog planning process then calculates fulfillment priorities for the demand lines in the Backlog Analysis table.

Settings That Affect Rule-Based Priority

  • The ranking of the demand priority attributes in the rule

  • The ranking of attribute values

Let's assume that you selected a rule called REV_REQDATE, which is made up of the attributes Order Revenue and Requested Date. This table shows the attribute and attribute value rankings within the rule:


Attribute Ranking

Attribute Value Ranking

Order Revenue


Larger to Smaller

Requested Date


Earlier to Later

How Demand Priority Is Calculated

When you run the backlog plan, the first tier of prioritization is the attribute's rank, and the second is the ranking of the attribute values. When orders are prioritized based on the first attribute, the second attribute is factored in and the prioritization is refined.

So, using the rule REV_REQDATE, the backlog planning process first considers the orders by revenue, giving high-value orders more priority. Then the process prioritizes orders by their requested dates, and calculates priority values for each order. If the highest order revenue is the same for two orders, then the order with the earlier requested date gets the higher priority value. Priority values are calculated in multiples of 10, and the highest priority value is 10.

Note: You can override a calculated priority value by specifying a different value in the Override Priority column. You must rerun the plan for this override to take effect.