Supply Chain Availability Search Options

While defining a backlog planning rule in the supply chain availability search mode, you specify some planning attribute values. These planning attributes influence how the backlog planning process will determine fulfillment options and fulfillment option priority when applying the rule to determine planning results.

Search Components and Resources

This defines whether the backlog planning process will search components and resources to find backlog planning options that include making the item. Select the Search components and resources check box to let the backlog planning process consider whether the end item can be made using its component and resources if an item isn't available at a requested location. When the planning process is applying a backlog planning rule with search components and resources enabled, the process can determine planning results by looking into the availability of the components and resources required to make the item being planned. In make-to-order environments, inventory is often not available for the ordered item, so it's necessary for the planning process to look at components and resources to plan the order. The process respects all relevant calendars, lead times, and capacities when searching components and resources.

Truncate Order Fulfillment Quantity to Nearest Integer Attribute

Defines whether the backlog planning process will truncate the value of the order fulfillment quantity to the nearest integer when splits are allowed in the fulfillment line. Select the Truncate order fulfillment quantity to nearest integer check box to let the backlog planning process truncate the value of the order fulfillment quantity to the nearest integer when splits are allowed in the fulfillment line. Selecting this attribute will ensure that the split quantities are in integer values of the ordered units of measure (UOM), and the planning process never splits the fulfillment quantity into a decimal value because of factors like the availability of fractional components for building the supply on time, and UOM conversion.

Infinite Availability Time Fence

The backlog planning process assumes infinite supply availability after the time period defined by the infinite availability fence. For requested dates after the time fence, the process plans on the requested date without checking availability. If the requested date is beyond the infinite time fence, no real supplies are used for planning. For requested dates within the infinite availability time fence, the backlog planning process conducts a supply chain availability search.

Select one of these lead times to define a lead time based infinite availability time fence:

  • Total lead time

  • Cumulative manufacturing lead time

  • Cumulative total lead time

  • User-defined lead time

Note: You should define an infinite availability time fence. If you don't define an infinite availability time fence, the backlog planning process uses the horizon of a year, which incurs a large increase in the memory used by backlog planning engine.

Past-Due Demand Considered

Past-due demand is a demand with a scheduled date earlier than the current date. Most past-due demands need to be considered and accounted for as they're expected to ship in the future. However, you may have a number of days of past-due beyond which you no longer consider the demand valid. You specify the number of days of past-due for past-due demand to be included when the planning process determines planning results. The process doesn't consider any past-due demand due before the number of days you specify. If you don't specify a value for past-due demand considered, all demands with scheduled date earlier than the horizon start date will be ignored.

Past-Due Supply Considered

Past-due supply is a supply, usually in the form of a purchase order, for which the expected date is earlier than the current date. Most past-due supplies need to be considered as the expectation of supply is still considered valid. You specify the number of days of past-due supply to be included when the planning process determines planning results. The process doesn't consider any past-due supply expected before the number of days you specify. If you don't specify a value for past-due supply considered, all supplies earlier than the horizon start date will be ignored.