How You Use Attributes for Lots and Serial Numbers in Reports and Analyses for Receiving

This topic explains how you can use attributes for lots and serial numbers in reports and analyses for Oracle Receiving.

This table lists the folders in Receiving subject areas that contain attributes for lots and serial numbers:

Subject Area


Receiving - In-Transit Advanced Shipment Notifications Real Time

  • Lot

  • Lot and Serial Number

  • Serial Number

Receiving - In-Transit Interorganization Inventory Transfers Real Time

  • Lot

  • Lot and Serial Number

  • Serial Number

Receiving - In-Transit Shipments Real Time

  • Lot

  • Lot and Serial Number

  • Serial Number

Receiving - Transactions Real Time

  • Lot

  • Lot and Serial Number

  • Serial Number

You can use these folders in your reports and analyses to cater to these situations:

  • Your items are all controlled by lots, serial numbers, or lots and serial numbers.

  • Some of your items are controlled by lots, others by serial numbers, and the remaining by lots and serial numbers.

Retrieving Items Controlled by Lots, Serial Numbers, or Lots and Serial Numbers

This section explains how you can retrieve items that are controlled by lots, serial numbers, or lots and serial numbers:

  • If your items are controlled by only lots, use the attributes from the Lot folder in your report or analysis.

  • If your items are controlled by only serial numbers, use the attributes from the Serial Number folder in your report or analysis.

  • If your items are controlled by both lots and serial numbers, use the attributes from the Lot and Serial Number folder in your report or analysis.

Retrieving Items Controlled by Lots, Serial Numbers, and Lots and Serial Numbers

This section explains how you can retrieve items when some of them are controlled by lots, some by serial numbers, and the remaining by lots and serial numbers. In this situation, your report or analysis would contain the Lot, Lot and Serial Number, and Serial Number folders.

To retrieve items by lot numbers, use the following statement:

case when ("-  Inventory"."Item Lot Control" <> 'No lot control' and "-  Inventory"."Item Serial Number Control" <> 'No serial number control') then null else "Lot"."Lot Number" end
Note: In the previous statement, for the Lot Number logical column, the presentation column is Lot.

To retrieve items by serial numbers, use the following statement:

case when ("-  Inventory"."Item Lot Control" <> 'No lot control' and "-  Inventory"."Item Serial Number Control" <> 'No serial number control') then null else "Serial Number"."Serial Number" end