Create a Replenishment Request

To create a replenishment request:

  1. In the Supplier Portal work area, click Manage Replenishment Requests in the Tasks panel.

  2. On the Manage Replenishment Requests page, click Actions > Create Replenishment Request.

  3. On the Create Replenishment Request dialog box, select the value for Item.

  4. Select Organization

  5. Select Subinventory, if required

  6. Select Supplier Site (optional)

    Note: The supplier will only be able to select supplier sites they have access to view. If not selected, the supplier site will be defined by the enterprise purchase order process.
  7. Enter Quantity

  8. Adjust the Delivery Date if current date isn't preferred

  9. Enter Notes (optional). The notes will appear as the Note to Buyer on the purchase requisition

  10. Click Submit.

    Note: The replenishment requests can only be created by suppliers when inventory planning owner of the replenishment item is supplier.