Add Details to a Proposal

You can add details of content, cost, revenue, and resources to a proposal.

To add details:

  1. Navigate to the Concept Design work area.

  2. Open the Search tab and select Proposals in the Search for field. From your search returns, choose and open a proposal.

  3. On the General Information tab, enter information in the Business Objectives field, as well as other fields. Click Save.

  4. On the Content tab, enter information into the Business Case field. Click Save.

  5. On the Costs tab, enter cost data:

    • Click Add.

    • Select values for Category, Type, and Status.

    • Enter an amount and select a date by which you will incur the cost.

    • Click Save.

  6. On the Revenue tab, add rows of revenue information:

    • Click Add.

    • Select values for Category, Type, and Status.

    • Enter an amount and select a date by which you expect revenue.

    • Click Save.

  7. On the Resources tab, add rows for the type of workers required, and when you require them:

    • Click Add.

    • Select values for Category, Pool, and Status.

    • Enter values for Headcount, Start Date, and End Date.

    • Click Save.