Create a Proposal from an Idea

Create a proposal from an idea and add information in the idea's description about its evolution to a proposal.

To create a proposal from an idea:

  1. Navigate to the Ideas work area.

  2. On the Manage Ideas tab, select an idea.

  3. Select Actions > Create Proposal.

    Alternatively, you may search for and open an idea, then click the Edit button, click Actions > Create Proposal.

  4. Generally you would accept the same name for both the new proposal and the idea from which it came. But there could be a reason to give the proposal a modified name or entirely new name, per your company's practices.

    Add a description.

  5. Click the Save and Close button.

  6. On the Relationships tab of the proposal, you can find a link back to the idea that was used to create this proposal. Go ahead and click that link.

  7. Back on the idea's Relationships tab, you can now find a link to the proposal.

    This might be a good time to confirm certain things such as a difference in the name of the idea and the proposal.