Enrich Ideas

Once you create an idea you can enrich it. If the idea is generated to help certain customers, you can associate the idea with these customers.

  • To choose customers, on the General Information tab, click the Associate Customers icon.

    • In the Associate Customers window, select customers from the Available Customers panel, and move them to the Selected Customers panel.

    • Click OK.

  • To enter details about your idea using rich text tools, click the Content tab.

  • To link other Innovation Management objects that relate to your idea, click the Relationships tab.

    • Click the Select and Add button.

    • Use the search dialog to search for and add objects. Click OK.

    • Click Save.

  • In the Attachments tab, add files, text, or URLs to further define your idea and add supporting information.

    • To add an attachment, click the Add icon.

    • Use the Add dialog to add a file or URL. The Title column is automatically updated with the name of the file.

    • Enter a brief description and click Save. The attachment is added.

      Note: To remove an attachment, select the row and click Delete.
  • To add comments about the idea, click the Comments tab. Comments help bring in different perspectives about the idea.

    • Enter a comment and click the Publish button. Comments appear in the Comments panel.

    • Click Save.

To save the idea click Save and Close.