Search Options

Use Search in the panel drawer to search for concepts, requirement specifications, and proposals.

You can save and reuse the list of search attributes and parameters. Later, you can modify the parameters of a saved search and save it with a new name or save over the existing one.

Let’s look at how Search works for ideas, requirements specification, concepts, and proposals.


The Basic search in Manage Ideas has the following fields: Idea Name, Number, and Description. Click the Advanced button to expand to additional fields to refine your search criteria. Here too you can search by Idea Name, Number, and Description. This button is a toggle, so when the Advanced fields are visible, the button changes to Basic. A search returns a list of ideas that are active links and appear on the Manage Ideas page.

You can add one or multiple tags to an idea using the tags link and then use these tags to search for ideas using advanced search. You can also search for ideas based on their statuses. From the search results, you can open and click Actions > Create Proposal to create a proposal based on that idea.


Use the Search panel to search for requirements specification.

  • In the Search For field, select Requirements Specifications.
  • Enter the name of the specification and click Search.
  • From your search results, click the specification to open it.

You can also search for requirements from another requirements specification.


Use the Search panel to search for concepts by Owner, Number, Name, Description, Due Date, Version, Status, Currency, Type, Creation Date, and Last Updated Date.

  • In the Search For field, select Concepts.
  • Enter the name of the concept and click Search.
  • From your search results, click the concept structure link.

As you develop a product concept structure, you can search for, and link items, designs, and documents as concept structure line items, and as references in the concept and concept components metadata.


Use the Search panel to search for a proposal by Type, Number, Proposal, Description, and Portfolio.

  • In the Search For field, select Proposals.
  • Enter the name of the proposal and click Search.
  • Search results display the latest version of the product proposal.

You can search for proposals by name, type, number, description, business unit, or product line. You can also search for a proposal by its associated portfolios and add standard and configured attributes to the search. Use the Add Fields option in the advanced search to add portfolio fields to the search criteria. From your search returns, choose and open a proposal. You can search for proposals that include multiple portfolios using comma-separated values in the Portfolios attribute.

Search for Users

You can search for users by first name, last name, email, and user name.

Note: The default setting for the user display format is applicable on all pages and tabs except the Attachments tab. The Attachments tab always displays the User Name.

Points to Consider:

  • If a user doesn't have Email, First Name, and Last Name configured, then the User Name is displayed.
  • Your saved searches work correctly if the operator used on a user attribute is Equals or Not Equals. If not, you must modify the saved search.
  • The user display format in the Workflow Approvers table and the Send Object dialog resets to the User name, which is the default setting. Change the profile value to Name to revert to the earlier setting.
  • You can configure the Name format by updating the Display Name setting using the Manage Person Name Formats task in Setup and Maintenance.