How You Enable Data Security for Work Definitions

The enablement for control access to manufacturing work definitions using data security is achieved by performing the setup in the Setup and Maintenance work area within the Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management offering.

The functional areas are Users and Security and Manufacturing Master Data, and the corresponding tasks are Manage Data Security Policies and Manage Data Security Controls for Manufacturing.

Enabling data security for manufacturing work definitions is a 2-step process. The first step is to define data security policies, and the second step is to enable data security for manufacturing work definition business object.

To define data security policies in the security console, use the Manage Data Security Policies task in the Setup and Maintenance work area. Navigate to the Administration page, then to the Manage Database Resources page. Search for object name WIS_WORK_DEFINITIONSand click on the plus icon to create a new policy. First, specify the policy name and start date, and optionally description. Then, specify the job roles that will be granted the access.

Next, specify the rule. There are 3 values for row set: multiple values, all values, and single value. If row set is specified as multiple values, you can use either a seeded or custom condition. If row set is specified as all values, then the users will have access to all work definitions. If row set is specified as single value, then you’ll have to specify the work definition ID, and the users will have access to that specific work definition.

Lastly, you must specify the actions. The two seeded actions are Maintain and View, and you can’t create custom actions.

To enable data security for manufacturing work definition business object, use the Manage Data Security Controls for Manufacturing task in the Setup and Maintenance Work Area. The Enable Data Security check box is defaulted to unchecked in the current update. Select the check box and save the setting. You’ve now enabled data security for manufacturing work definitions.