How You Import Process Work Definitions

You can use the work definition import method to create and update work definitions through the cloud import framework using spreadsheets. You can also provide the descriptive flexfields information during the work definition import.

To import process work definitions using the cloud import framework, you can download and use the ProcessWorkDefinitionTemplate.xlsm. The .xlsm template organizes the work definition information in these tabs:

  • Instructions and CSV Generation: The procedure to import work definitions using the .xlsm template.

  • Import Batch: The batch identifies the group of work definitions that are being imported.

  • Work Definition Headers: The work definition header information is identified uniquely by a Header Number within a batch. You can import work definitions across plants within a batch.

  • Work Definition Operations: You can optionally specify work definition operation information against the Batch Code and Header Number.

  • Work Definition Operation Items: You can optionally specify work definition operation items information for standard items against the Batch Code, Header Number, and Operation Sequence.

  • Work Definition Operation Outputs: You can specify work definition operation outputs information for products and by-products against the Batch Code, Header Number, and Operation Sequence.

  • Work Definition Operation Resources: You can optionally specify work definition operation resources information against the Batch Code, Header Number, and Operation Sequence.

  • Work Definition Operation - Alternate Resources: You can optionally specify work definition operation alternate resources information against the Batch Code, Header Number, and Operation Sequence.

You can import process work definitions in batches using create and update modes either by providing the basic work definition header details or by providing the complete details of work definition header, operation requirements, operation item requirements, operation resource and alternate resource requirements. You can create or update process work definitions using the modes of import documented in the table.

Here are the modes of import you can use to create or update work definitions:

User Preference

Header Action

Operations Action

Operation Items Action

Operation Resources and Alternate Resources

To create work definition with header and a minimum of one operation and a primary output



Not Applicable

Not Applicable

To create work definition with header and details





To update work definition





You can see the successfully imported process work definitions as well as the errors if any, in the Schedule Process output.

For more information about file-based data imports to import or update legacy and other data into Supply Chain Management Cloud from external applications, refer to the File-Based Data Import for Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud Development Guide.