Manage Customer Credit

Manage customer credit that affects credit check for your sales order.

Assume you're a credit analyst. You receive a request from an Order Entry Specialist to approve credit check for sales order 505200. You examine the sales order in your case folder, perform a credit analysis, and determine you can approve credit.

For details about case folders and managing credit, see Using Receivables Credit to Cash.

Manage customer credit.

  1. Make sure you have the privileges that you need to manage Oracle Accounts Receivable.

  2. Go to the Credit Reviews work area.

  3. On the Credit Reviews page, examine the list of case folders in your queue.

    Credit Reviews adds a case folder for each sales order that goes into credit check. It adds a unique case folder number that you can use to manage the case.

  4. Click Show Filters.

  5. Set Source Transaction Number to 505200, then click Search.

    Notice that the Credit Reviews list displays the case folder for sales order 505200.

  6. In the Credit Reviews list, click the link in the Number attribute.

  7. On the Credit Case Folders page, notice the details that display for sales order 505200, then click Recommendations.

  8. Set Type to an appropriate value according to your case folder analysis, such as.

    • Remove Customer from Credit Hold

    • Approve Source Transaction Credit Request

    • Set Credit Limit

    • Set Order Amount Limit

    For this example, choose Approve Source Transaction Credit Request.

  9. Click Actions > Approve.

    Here's what Order Management does.

    • Automatically releases the credit check hold.

    • Changes the sales order status from Credit Review Pending to Processing,

    • Changes the order line status to Change Pending.