Search Attributes for More Than One Value

If you specify more than one attribute when you search, then Order Management uses an AND condition.

Assume you have these sales orders in your database.

Sales Order Status
44444 Awaiting Billing
55555 Processing
66666 Draft

Assume you do this search.

Attribute Value
Order Equals 44444
Status Equals Awaiting Billing

The search results will contain order 44444.

Assume you do this search.

Attribute Value
Order Equals 44444
Status Equals Draft

The search results won't contain any value.

If you specify more than one value for the same attribute, then Order Management applies an OR condition on that attribute. Assume you do this search.

Attribute Value
Status Equals Draft
Status Equals Processing

Order Management applies an OR condition between the status values:

Search for order Status equals Draft, or Status equals Processing. 

For details about how search works, see Overview of Search.