Review Item and Document Changes

The Changes page contains two subcategories, Pending and Released. When you click the Changes side tab of an item, the Item Changes and Structure Changes tabs appear. They display either the Pending Changes or Released Changes in a table format.

The Item Changes tab displays the pending change orders and change requests of the item. The Structure Changes tab displays the pending change orders across all the items in all the revisions in the structure.

Pending Changes

Displays change orders and change requests that are in the following status: Draft, Open, Interim Approval, Approval, Hold, and Canceled. To view canceled change orders, you must select Show Canceled Changes.

Released Changes

Displays change orders that are in the Scheduled, and Completed status.

When to Use Change Orders

Manage item revisions by submitting the item for approval by a change order. Attachments and AML must also be modified through a change order. You can't directly modify a manufacturer or an attachment.