Use the Clipboard to Paste Items into a Change Order

You can use the clipboard to copy and paste items to a change order's affected objects table.

  1. Navigate to the Product Development work area.

  2. Open an item and click the Structure tab.

  3. Select the row that you want to copy.

  4. Create a change order in which you want to paste the item.

    • From the Tasks panel drawer, click Create Change Orders.

    • From the Change Type list, select the type of change order.

    • In the Name field, enter a name for the change order.

    • In the Description field, enter a brief description.

    • Click Save.

  5. Paste the items into the change order.

    • In the change order, click the Affected Objects side tab.

    • Click the Paste icon to paste the item you copied in a previous step.

Similarly, Copy icons in the Change-Impact Analysis and the Item-Grade tabs, enable you to select and copy multiple items into the clipboard. The Copy icon in the Item-Where Used tab lets you copy only a single row. Selecting a row or multiple rows activates the icon and a description of the item appears when you hover over it in the clipboard.