Refund a Shipping Charge

Set up your pricing so you can refund a shipping charge.

I create sales order 768495 and submit it.



Item x on Line 1


Item y on Line 2


Freight on Line 3


Order Total


Sometime later, I create a referenced return for 768495 but it has a total value of $17. The return doesn't include the $6.50 freight charge.

This happens because the Refundable option is disabled on the pricing charge definition that you're using for the freight charge. If you're using the predefined QP_SHIP_FREIGHT pricing charge definition for freight charges, and you want to refund a shipping charge, then you must create your own pricing charge definition. If you're already using your own pricing charge definition for freight, then enable the Refundable option for it. The same situation applies for other shipping charge definitions that come predefined, such as QP_SHIP_HANDLING.

Assume you must create a new charge definition for freight.

  1. Make sure you have the privileges that you need to administer Order Management, then create a pricing charge definition.






    Refundable Freight


    Charge we use for return orders where we refund freight charges.

    Applies To


    Price Type

    One Time

    Charge Type


    Charge Subtype



    Contains a check mark

    Setup Enabled

    Contains a check mark


    Contains a check mark

    For details, see Manage Pricing Charge Definitions.

  2. Set up the shipping charge list.

    • Make sure you have the privileges that you need to administer Pricing, then open your shipping charge list.

    • Set the value, then click Approve.



      Pricing Charge Definition

      Refundable Freight

      For details, see Manage Shipping Charge Lists.

  3. Make sure you have the privileges that you need to manage sales orders.

  4. Go to the Order Management work area, create a return for sales order 768495, and confirm that it includes the freight charge.