Configure Approval and Rejection Comments

You can configure approval and rejection comments as per your business requirements for quality issues and actions in the BPM work area. Comments for approval or rejection are required or optional as set in the BPM console.

You can manage approval comments by defining if they're Required, Optional, or Not Allowed during approval or rejection of a quality object workflow. Alignment with the BPM worklist improves usability and ensures that you comply with regulatory guidelines about commenting during approval and rejection.

  1. Navigate to the Task Configuration tab in the BPM Worklist (Bell Icon > Show All > Worklist > [user name] > Administration > Task Configuration).

  2. In the Tasks to be configured panel, search for and click WorkflowStatusUserDefinedApprovalTask, which applies to both, issue and actions.

  3. Click the Edit task icon.

  4. Click the Configuration side tab.

  5. Select commenting options for the Approve and Reject actions:

    • Required: If set to Required, providing comments for approval or rejection is compulsory.

    • Optional: If set to Optional, then providing comments for approval or rejection isn't compulsory.

    • Not Allowed: If set to Not Allowed, no comments are allowed, and approval and rejection is immediate.

  6. Click Save and Commit to save the changes.