Overview of Workflow and Approval Management

The BPM Worklist enables you to configure quality issues and actions through a set of workflows. Here's a summary of the configuration tasks:

  1. Run the Manage Task Configurations for Supply Chain Management task in the Product Management offering. This provides access to BPM Worklist.

  2. Update the workflow tasks by including details of deadlines and escalation policy.

  3. Select the notification type and provide additional details to configure the notification.

  4. Create approval groups that include a predefined set of users configured to act on the notification.

    Note: The user-defined approval task lets you add users or user groups as approvers, without specifying any conditions, when configuring the workflow.
  5. Create approval rules that include conditions for approval.

Configure Approval Tasks Using BPM Worklist

As an administrator, you can review and modify the approval tasks defined by a workflow designer.

To configure approval tasks in quality actions and issues:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area go to the following:

    • Offering: Product Management

    • Functional Area: Change Orders

    • Task: Manage Task Configurations for Supply Chain Management

    Alternatively, you can also arrive at the BPM Worklist page by the following method:

    • Navigate to Bell Notification and click More Details.

    • In the upcoming BPM Worklist page, select Administration from the drop-down list.

  2. On the BPM Worklist page, click the Task Configuration tab.

  3. In the Tasks to be configured panel, select the approval task. For example: Select WorkflowStatusUserDefinedApprovalTask for quality objects.

  4. Click the Edit Task icon in the side panel.

Here are the configuration options that appear on the side tabs of the Configuration page:

  • General: Define basic information such as title, description, and priority. Selecting Hide task creator prevents the display of task creator's name in the approval notification.

  • Assignees: Create an approval rule. For example, to control the approval of all quality issues created by a user, you can route them to a particular approval group.

  • Data: Review the message elements that compose the structure of the task payload. Don't edit this information.

  • Deadlines: Specify the duration and expiration details.

    • Due Date: Indicates the date when the approval task is due for action. It is an indicator to remind the approver to respond by a certain time. The approver can also respond after the due date.

    • Expiration Settings: Specify the expiration policy at either task or assignee level, or skip it entirely.

    • Exclude Saturday and Sunday: Excludes Saturday and Sunday while computing the due date, expiration date, and escalation date.

  • Notifications: Notifications inform participants about the occurrence of different events and enable them to take actions.

  • Access: Configure the signature (or password) policy for the task. When the quality issue reaches the Approval status, users are prompted to enter their login credentials.

  • Configuration: Configure whether users must enter comments when they approve or reject a task.

    • Required: Comments are mandatory for the user.

    • Optional: Comments are optional for the user.

    • Not Allowed: Comments aren't allowed for the user.