Terminate and Restart Workflows

If an approval workflow in a quality action or issue stops or gets stuck, you can terminate and restart the approval workflow, while it's still in the approval status or interim approval status.

An approval workflow is usually stuck if the quality issue or action approval requires correction of the approvers and hence can't proceed with the approval.

Use the Terminate Workflow action from the Actions menu to terminate the workflow approval. The quality object remains in the same status and you can either manually demote the issue or action to a previous status or restart it from the same status. (If you've configured the workflow template to auto demote its status to Draft, then it changes to the Draft status. If not, it stays in the same status). This action is only available for the Assignee of the quality object or the Submitter (if the Assignee field is empty), who must also have the Manage Issue or Action privilege. Pending approval notifications remain in the BPM Worklist and the bell notification, but you can't act upon them after you terminate the workflow as the Approve and Reject buttons disappear from the notification. When you resubmit the workflow for approval, you will receive a new active notification with active Approve and Reject buttons.

Note: Providing a comment while terminating and restarting the workflow is required.

You can modify the list of approvers and restart the workflow. Use the Restart Workflow option from the Actions menu. The workflow restarts from the current status it's in and new approval notifications are sent. For example: If you terminate a workflow in Approval status and then demote it to the In Progress status, when you restart the workflow, it will be from the In Progress status and not from the Approval status.