Demand Measures and Forecast Accuracy Measures

You can select predefined or user-defined measures for demand and forecast accuracy to drive the calculation of inventory policies and safety stock and improve your replenishment planning.

In the Demand Schedules section on the Organizations and Schedules subtab on the Supply tab on the Plan Options page for your replenishment plan, click the Select buttons in the Demand Measures and Forecast Accuracy Measures columns to open dialog boxes in which you can select measures.

Note these points:

  • The button under Demand Measures is available only if one of these conditions is met:
    • You selected a demand plan in the Demand Schedule column.
    • Under Demand Schedule, you selected a replenishment plan for which you've selected the Generate forecast check box on the Plan options page, and you've selected the check box under the Use for Demand Schedule column.
  • The button under Forecast Accuracy Measures is available only if you've selected the Calculate policy parameters check box on the Plan Options page, and one of these conditions is met:
    • Under Demand Schedule, you've selected a demand plan.
    • Under Demand Schedule, you selected a replenishment plan for which you've selected the Generate forecast check box on the Plan options page, and you've selected the check box under Use for Demand Schedule.
    • Under Demand Schedule, you selected the same replenishment plan as the one for which you're editing the plan options and for which you've selected the Generate forecast and Calculate policy parameters check boxes. For this replenishment plan, the check boxes under Use for Policy Parameters and Use for Demand Schedule are automatically selected and can't be unselected.
  • The buttons under Demand Measures and Forecast Accuracy Measures aren't available when you select an external forecast schedule under Demand Schedule.

Demand Measures

When you click Select under Demand Measures, the Demand Measures dialog box appears.

In this dialog box, in the End Item Demand field, you can select one of the following measures from the selected plan:

  • Approved Final Bookings Forecast
  • Approved Final Shipments Forecast
  • Final Bookings Forecasts
  • Final Consumption Forecast
  • Final Shipments Forecast (This measure is selected by default.)
  • Any user-defined measure in the End Item Demand measure group in the Demand Management work area

The measure you select in the End Item Demand field drives the forecast for the item-location combinations in your replenishment plan.

Forecast Accuracy Measures

When you click Select under Forecast Accuracy Measures, the Forecast Accuracy Measures dialog box is displayed.

In this dialog box, in the Measure for MAPE field, you can select one of the following measures from the selected plan:

  • Bookings Forecast MAPE
  • Consumption Forecast MAPE
  • Shipments Forecast MAPE (This measure is selected by default.)
  • Any user-defined measure in the Forecast Error MAPE measure group in the Demand Management work area

In the Measure for Intermittent Demand field, you can select one of the following measures from the selected plan:

  • Bookings Forecast Is Intermittent
  • Consumption Forecast Is Intermittent
  • Shipments Forecast Is Intermittent (This measure is selected by default.)
  • Any user-defined measure in the Intermittent Demand measure group in the Demand Management work area

In the Measure for Average Interarrival Time field, you can select one of the following measures from the selected plan:

  • Bookings Forecast Average Interarrival Time
  • Consumption Forecast Average Interarrival Time
  • Shipments Forecast Average Interarrival Time (This measure is selected by default.)
  • Any user-defined measure in the Average Interarrival Time measure group in the Demand Management work area

The measures you select in the Measure for MAPE, Measure for Intermittent Demand, and Measure for Average Interarrival Time fields drive the calculation of safety stock for the item-location combinations in your replenishment plan.