How You Upload Externally Calculated Safety Stock

If you're computing safety stock in a third-party application, you can upload the computed quantities for use in policy parameter calculations by your replenishment plan.

By uploading these computed quantities, you can better align Oracle Replenishment Planning with your other planning and execution systems.

You can upload externally calculated safety stock quantities using the file-based data import (FBDI) template for supply chain planning safety stock levels.

You can view the uploaded safety stock for item-location combinations in the Safety Stock Quantity column of the Items table. However, you can't edit this quantity in the table or simulation sets.

Note these points about uploading safety stock quantities and how they're used:

  • You can upload safety stock quantities for only item-organization combinations.

    You can't upload safety stock quantities for item-subinventory combinations.

  • You can upload safety stock quantities in only units.

    If the unit of measure (UOM) is days for the segment that's associated with the item-location combinations, the uploaded safety stock is ignored for those item-location combinations, and the safety stock is calculated by Replenishment Planning.

  • If you upload time-phased safety stock quantities, the quantity for which the effective date is on or before the plan run date and that's closest to the plan run date is used.

  • The uploaded safety stock quantity is used if it's available for an item-location combination.

    Otherwise, the safety stock is calculated by Replenishment Planning.

  • The safety stock override you specify at the item-location level in the policy assignment set is used even when the externally calculated safety stock is available.

    However, any safety stock override you specify at the segment level in the policy assignment set is ignored when the externally calculated safety stock is available, and the uploaded value is used in policy parameter calculations.

  • When you simulate changes to policy parameters, the externally calculated safety stock is considered for item-location combinations.