How You Use Policy Assignment Sets

The following is the process for using policy assignment sets in the Replenishment Planning work area:

  1. Perform the segmentation process.

  2. Create a policy assignment set, and define the policy parameters for segments and policy overrides for item-location combinations.

  3. Attach the policy assignment set to a replenishment plan.

  4. Run the replenishment plan.

    Generate the forecast, calculate the policy parameters, and calculate the replenishments. Refresh the plan with the current, collected data.

  5. Review the calculated policies.

  6. If the calculated policies aren't satisfactory, follow these steps:

    1. Perform simulations, and make changes to the policy parameters for segments or policy overrides for item-location combinations

    2. Run the replenishment plan again.

      Calculate the policy parameters and replenishments, and don't refresh the measures with current data.

The following is the flow chart for using policy assignment sets:

Flow chart depicting process for using policy assignment sets.