Global Shipments

In a global shipment flow, a single sales affiliate sells to customers on behalf of the entire corporation.

The selling business unit is the legal owner of the sale and is different from the manufacturing plant or warehouse that actually ships the goods to the customers. This sale can also be routed through one or more financial intermediaries.

Note: The selling business unit here is the selling profit center business unit in the order line. This is because in Oracle Order Management, you can have a selling profit center on the sales order line that is different from the Order Management business unit. If the enterprise has multiple tax registrations across different states, you can define those tax registrations as profit center business units, while continuing to use a single shared order management business unit. The Financial Orchestration application uses the profit center business unit in the order line as the selling business unit for both global shipment and global drop shipment flows. However, if the selling profit center is not entered in the order line, then the business unit in the order header will be the selling business unit.