Assign Time Zones to Locations in Supply Chain Planning

You can view supplies and demands in your Supply Chain Planning work area based on the time zone of the organization, customer site, or supplier site.

In addition, you can calculate precise in-transit time because supply chain planning considers the time zone difference between the source and destination locations.

The following points discuss in detail how you can collect time zone details and view orders depending on the locations' time zone:

  • Update Time Zones Using Data Collections

  • Assign Time Zones in Supply Network Model

  • Calculate In-Transit Time

  • View Time Zones in Supplies and Demands

  • Release to Execution

Update Time Zones Using Data Collections

Use data collections to update organizations, customer site, or supplier site time zones. You can update the time zone in one of following three ways:

  • Collect the organization's time zone from an Oracle Fusion source system.

  • Collect time zones from an external source system using the organization, customer, and supplier import templates.

  • Update the time zone on Customers and Suppliers tabs of the Maintain Supply Network Model page.

If you are collecting from an Oracle Fusion source system, then you can update the organization's time zone using the data collections method only. You cannot manually update the organization's time zone using the Maintain Supply Network Model page in your Supply Chain Planning work area.

Assign Time Zones in Supply Network Model

Before collecting time zones or converting time zones to a local time, you must first assign time zones to organizations, customer sites, and supplier sites. A new time zone field is available on the Organizations, Customers, and Suppliers tab of the Maintain Supply Network Model page in your Supply Chain Planning work area.

You cannot collect customer site and supplier site time zones from an Oracle Fusion source system. To update the customer site or supplier site time zone, use one of the following options:

  • Use the customer or supplier import template to update the customer site or supplier site time zone. You can also use this template if you are collecting from an external source system.

  • Update the customer site and supplier site time zones directly in the Maintain Supply Network Model page.

When you recollect new customer and supplier data from an Oracle Fusion source system, the existing customer site and supplier site time zone information is preserved. If you do not collect or update the customer site or supplier site time zone, then planning calculations assume that the customer site or supplier site is located in the same time zone as the organization that is associated with the demand or supply.

When you collect the supplies and demands, collections automatically convert the associated dates from the database server time zone (Coordinated Universal Time or UTC) to the local time zone based on where the event takes place. In addition, when you collect shipments and booking history from the Oracle Fusion source system for use in the Demand Management or the Demand and Supply Planning work area, collections converts the historical data from the database server time zone (UTC) to the associated organization's time zone.

Calculate In-Transit Time

When calculating in-transit times, supply chain planning considers the time zone difference between the shipping and receiving locations. The following example shows how supply chain planning calculates the in-transit time. In this example, the customer site is located in Sydney (UTC+10) and the shipping organization is in Sacramento, California (UTC-8).

  1. When planning collects a sales order with a requested arrival date of 25-March-2018, 21:00 (UTC) on the database server, the requested arrival date is offset to the customer site's time zone. The customer site's time zone is Sydney time zone (UTC+10 hours). The requested arrival date becomes 26-March-2018, 7:00 in plan inputs (Sydney time zone).

  2. When you run the plan with the Refresh with current data option, the sales order is included in the plan and supply chain planning uses this date to calculate the scheduled ship date.

  3. Consider the in-transit time for the selected shipping method (Air Freight) is 36 hours. Supply chain planning first calculates the scheduled ship date as 25-March-2018, 19:00 hours (Sydney time) and then converts the date to the Sacramento time. The product is shipped from Sacramento. The time zone difference is applied to the scheduled ship date by subtracting 18 hours. The scheduled ship date becomes 25-March-2018, 1:00 Sacramento time, which is used to generate the pegged supplies.

  4. After completing the calculations, supply chain planning moves all the dates to the end of the day. All dates have the time stamp of 23:59:00. The time stamp is not available on the UI, but you can query the time stamp from the planning database.

Supply chain planning makes similar in-transit calculations when shipping supplies from a supplier site to an organization, or when transferring product from one organization to another.

View Time Zones in Supplies and Demands

On the Supplies and Demands page, use the following three columns to view supplies and demands in relation to the time zone:

  • Organization Time Zone

  • Source Time Zone

  • Destination Time Zone

The columns aren't included in any predefined table layout. Create a user-defined table layout and include these columns in your table.

To display supply and demand measure values within a table such as Material Plan or Build Plan, supply chain planning assigns the measure value to the day based on the organization's local time zone. The supply and demand measure value is not assigned to a date based on a common time zone.

Release to Execution

When you release orders that are marked for release to Oracle Fusion Cloud execution system, the release action offsets the date from the location's time zone to the database server time zone (UTC).

For example, when you release a planned make order, supply chain planning converts the need-by date from the organization's time zone to UTC.