Business Details for the Product Proposal.


  • Schema: FUSION

  • Object owner: ACD

  • Object type: TABLE

  • Tablespace: Default

Primary Key

Name Columns




Name Datatype Length Precision Not-null Comments
BUSINESS_DETAIL_ID NUMBER 18 Yes Primary Key which will be system generated Application Unique Id.
MARKET_STRATEGY VARCHAR2 30 Market strategy for product proposal.
OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER NUMBER 9 Yes Used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.
PRODUCT_PROPOSAL_ID NUMBER 18 Yes Refers to Product Proposal Id from ACD_PRODUCT_PROPOSAL table as Foreign key
DISCOUNT_RATE NUMBER 5 Indicates the Discount Rate for the Product Concept in Percentage. Max 100%
TARGET_COST NUMBER Target cost for the Product Concept
AVERAGE_SELLING_PRICE NUMBER Average Selling Price of the Prodct Concept
FUNDING_REQUEST_FOR VARCHAR2 30 Indicates the type of request for Funding (Feasibility, Concept, Prototyping, and Product). The supported types are defined in the Lookup type with the name ACD_FUNDING_REQUEST_FOR and the look up codes are FEASIBILITY, CONCEPT, PROTOTYPING, and PRODUCT.
FUNDING_AMOUNT NUMBER Funding amount for the Product Concept
BUSINESS_UNIT VARCHAR2 30 Business Unit for the Product Concept. Custom lookup values.
PRODUCT_LINE VARCHAR2 30 Product Line for the Product Concept. Custom lookup values.
PRIMARY_JUSTIFICATION VARCHAR2 30 Primary Justification for existence can be shared between Product Concept and PPM (Enter New Markets, Enter New Regions, Expand Market Share, Exit Market). The supported types are defined in the Lookup type with the name ACD_PRIMARY_JUSTIFICATIONS and the look up codes are NEW_MARKET, NEW_REGION, EXPAND_MARKET, and EXIT_MARKET.
SECONDARY_JUSTIFICATION VARCHAR2 30 Secondary Justification for existence can be shared between Product Concept and PPM. (Enter New Markets, Enter New Regions, Expand Market Share, Exit Market). The supported types are defined in the Lookup type with the name ACD_SECONDARY_JUSTIFICATIONS and the look up codes are NEW_MARKET, NEW_REGION, EXPAND_MARKET, and EXIT_MARKET.
ALLOCATED_BUDGET NUMBER Allocated Budget for the Product Concept
REQUIREMENTS_DEFINITION DATE Requirements Defenition date for the Product Concept
HIGH_LEVEL_DESIGN DATE High level design date for the Product Concept
DEVELOPMENT_START DATE Development start date for the Product Concept
DEVELOPMENT_END DATE Development end date for the Product Concept
LAUNCH DATE Launch date for the Product Concept
ACTUAL_LAUNCH DATE Actual Launch date for the Product Concept
EOL DATE End Of Life date for the Product Concept
SUMMARY CLOB Rich Text Editor content for Business Case Summary for a Product Proposal
NET_PRESENT_VALUE NUMBER Product Proposal Metric :Net Present Value
INTERNAL_RATE_OF_RETURN NUMBER Product Proposal Metric :Internal rate of return
RETURN_ON_INVESTMENT NUMBER Product Proposal Metric :Return on investment
BREAK_EVEN_TIME NUMBER Time when break even should be reached.
PROPOSAL_PROJECTED_COST NUMBER Product Proposal Metric :Projected Cost
PROPOSAL_PROJECTED_REVENUE NUMBER Product Proposal Metric :Projected Revenue
BASELINE_DATE DATE Date based on when the proposal metrics were calculated.
EXPECTED_COMMERCIAL_VALUE NUMBER Product Proposal Metric:Expected Commercial Value
ACTUAL_RESOURCES NUMBER Product Proposal Metric : Actual Resources
PROJECTED_RESOURCES NUMBER Product Proposal Metric : Projected Resources
ACTUAL_REVENUE NUMBER Product Proposal Metric : Actual Revenue
RISK_SUBJECTIVE VARCHAR2 30 Product Proposal Metric : Risk Subjective
RISK_NUMBERIC VARCHAR2 30 Product Proposal Metric : Risk Numberic
PRODUCT_STRATEGIC_FIT VARCHAR2 30 Product Proposal Metric : Product Strategic Fit
PROJ_DEV_MATERIAL_COST NUMBER Product Proposal Metric : Projected Development Material Cost
PROJ_DEV_VARIABLE_COST NUMBER Product Proposal Metric : Projected Development Variable Cost
PROJ_DEV_FIXED_COST NUMBER Product Proposal Metric : Projected Development Fixed Cost
PROJ_DEV_LABOR_COST NUMBER Product Proposal Metric : Projected Development Labor Cost
PROJ_PROD_MATERIAL_COST NUMBER Product Proposal Metric : Projected Production Material Cost
PROJ_PROD_VARIABLE_COST NUMBER Product Proposal Metric : Projected Production Variable Cost
PROJ_PROD_FIXED_COST NUMBER Product Proposal Metric : Projected Production Fixed Cost
PROJ_PROD_LABOR_COST NUMBER Product Proposal Metric : Projected Production Labor Cost
PROJ_DEV_COST NUMBER Product Proposal Metric : Projected Development Cost
PROJ_PROD_COST NUMBER Product Proposal Metric : Projected Production Cost
ACTUAL_DEV_MATERIAL_COST NUMBER Product Proposal Metric : Actual Development Material Cost
ACTUAL_DEV_VARIABLE_COST NUMBER Product Proposal Metric : Actual Development Variable Cost
ACTUAL_DEV_FIXED_COST NUMBER Product Proposal Metric : Actual Development Fixed Cost
ACTUAL_DEV_LABOR_COST NUMBER Product Proposal Metric : Actual Development Labor Cost
ACTUAL_PROD_MATERIAL_COST NUMBER Product Proposal Metric : Actual Production Material Cost
ACTUAL_PROD_VARIABLE_COST NUMBER Product Proposal Metric : Actual Production Variable Cost
ACTUAL_PROD_FIXED_COST NUMBER Product Proposal Metric : Actual Production Fixed Cost
ACTUAL_PROD_LABOR_COST NUMBER Product Proposal Metric : Actual Production Labor Cost
ACTUAL_DEVELOPMENT_COST NUMBER Product Proposal Metric : Actual Development Cost
ACTUAL_PRODUCTION_COST NUMBER Product Proposal Metric : Actual Production Cost
PROB_OF_COMMERCIAL_SUCCESS NUMBER Product Proposal Metric : Probability of Commercial Success
PROB_OF_TECHNICAL_SUCCESS NUMBER Product Proposal Metric : Probability of Technical Success
RESOURCE_VALUE_INDEX NUMBER Product Proposal Metric : NPV / Total resources
COST_VALUE_INDEX NUMBER Product Proposal Metric : NPV / Total cost
ACTUAL_COST NUMBER Product Proposal Metric : Actual Cost
YEAR_2_REVENUE NUMBER Product Proposal Metric : 2 year revenue
YEAR_3_REVENUE NUMBER Product Proposal Metric : 3 year revenue
YEAR_5_REVENUE NUMBER Product Proposal Metric : 5 year revenue
RPI NUMBER Product Proposal Metric : RESOURCES_PRODUCTIVITY_INDEX. ECV / Total resources
CPI NUMBER Product Proposal Metric : COST_PRODUCTIVITY_INDEX. ECV / Total cost
PRODUCT_CATEGORIZATION VARCHAR2 30 Product Proposal Metric : The values for this column will be maintained in FND_LOOKUPS under the ACE_PRODUCT_CATEGORIZATIONS lookup type. The values are Question Mark, Star, Cash Cow, Dog
ALIGNMENT VARCHAR2 30 Product Proposal Metric : The values for this column will be maintained in FND_LOOKUPS under the ACE_ALIGNMENT lookup type.
IMPACT VARCHAR2 30 Product Proposal Metric : The values for this column will be maintained in FND_LOOKUPS under the ACE_IMPACT lookup type.
COMPETITIVE_ADVANTAGE VARCHAR2 30 Product Proposal Metric : The values for this column will be maintained in FND_LOOKUPS under the ACE_COMPETETIVE_ADVANTAGE lookup type.
SUPPLY_CHAIN_FIT VARCHAR2 30 Product Proposal Metric : The values for this column will be maintained in FND_LOOKUPS under the ACE_SUPPLY_CHAIN_FIT lookup type.
RND_KNOW_HOW VARCHAR2 30 Product Proposal Metric : The values for this column will be maintained in FND_LOOKUPS under the ACE_RND_KNOW_HOW lookup type.
PROJECTED_MARGIN NUMBER Product Proposal Metric :Difference of Projected Revenue & Projected Cost
ACTUAL_MARGIN NUMBER Product Proposal Metric :Difference of Actual Revenue & Actual Cost
CREATED_BY VARCHAR2 64 Yes Who column: indicates the user who created the row.
CREATION_DATE TIMESTAMP Yes Who column: indicates the date and time of the creation of the row.
LAST_UPDATED_BY VARCHAR2 64 Yes Who column: indicates the user who last updated the row.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE TIMESTAMP Yes Who column: indicates the date and time of the last update of the row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN VARCHAR2 32 Who column: indicates the session login associated to the user who last updated the row.

Foreign Keys

Table Foreign Table Foreign Key Column


Index Uniqueness Tablespace Columns