Product Concept Structure interface table for Bulk Import.


  • Schema: FUSION

  • Object owner: ACD

  • Object type: TABLE

  • Tablespace: INTERFACE

Primary Key

Name Columns




Name Datatype Length Precision Not-null Comments
CONCEPT_STRUCTURE_ID NUMBER 18 Yes Structure Entry ID for the each row in the concept structure interface table.
OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER NUMBER 9 Yes Used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.
TOP_CONCEPT_ID NUMBER 18 Yes Unique concept ID. Each version of a concept is stored as a separate concept with its own ID.
ANALYTICS_DIRTY_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 'y' - analytics data, like cost, weight etc.; must be recalculated 'n' - analytics data is up to date
FROM_STR_ID NUMBER 18 Refers to the parent structure entry identified by CONCEPT_STRUCTURE_ID.
FROM_TYPE VARCHAR2 30 Describes the parent object type. Possible values are: Concept Component, Item (AU Integration ID), Product Concept.
FROM_ID NUMBER 18 ID of parent object for the concept structure interface table.
TO_TYPE VARCHAR2 30 Yes "Describes the child object type. Possible values are: Concept Component, Item (AU Integration ID), Sub-Concept, Sub-Item
TO_ID NUMBER 18 Refers to the child structure entry identified by CONCEPT_STRUCTURE_ID
TO_ITEM_ID VARCHAR2 400 Structure entry child item ID for the concept structure interface table.
TO_ITEM_STR_ID VARCHAR2 400 Structure entry Child Str ID for the concept structure interface table.
POS_NO NUMBER 18 Yes Position number for concept structure entry
QUANTITY NUMBER Yes Quantity of this object used for the concept structure
COST_INCOMPLETE VARCHAR2 1 Defines whether cost data for this node is complete. That means, all its childern have complete data calculated. y=yes n=no
WEIGHT_INCOMPLETE VARCHAR2 1 Defines whether weight data for this node is complete. That means, all its childern have complete data calculated. y=yes n=no
POWER_INCOMPLETE VARCHAR2 1 Defines whether power data for this node is complete. That means, all its childern have complete data calculated. y=yes n=no
REQ_COUNT_TOTAL NUMBER Total count of requirements assigned to this structure line item
REQ_COUNT_FULFILLED NUMBER Count of fulfilled requirements assigned to this structure line item
PLACEHOLDER VARCHAR2 1 Identifies a Placeholder component y=yes n=no
STATUS VARCHAR2 30 Item status list of values, like e.g. "released", "approved" etc
SCORE NUMBER Scoring value, e.g. item score for the concept structure interface table.
NUMBER_MANUFACTURERS NUMBER Number of item manifacturers for the concept structure interface table.
PREFERRED_STATUS VARCHAR2 50 AU mapped attribute: preferred status
ITEM_NUMBER_MANIFACTURERS NUMBER AU mapped attribute; number of manufacturers
REFERENCE_DESIGNATOR VARCHAR2 150 Reference Designator for the concept structure interface table.
ACTUAL_COST NUMBER Actual component (structure line item) cost
TARGET_COST NUMBER Budgeted line item Cost for the concept structure interface table.
MATERIAL_COST NUMBER Actual material cost for the concept structure interface table.
NON_MATERIAL_COST NUMBER Actual Non Material Cost for the concept structure interface table.
FIXED_COST NUMBER Actual Fixed Cost for the concept structure interface table.
LAST_COST_UPDATE TIMESTAMP Date of Last Cost Update for the concept structure interface table.
LEAD_TIME NUMBER 18 Item Lead Time (days) for the concept structure interface table.
RISK VARCHAR2 30 LOOKUP: Level of risk associated
PRICE NUMBER 18 Estimated or calculated price per unit
VOLUME NUMBER approx future production/purchasing volume
COMPLIANCE VARCHAR2 30 LOOKUP for Compliance : yes, no, partly, N/A
AVAILABILITY VARCHAR2 400 External Availability of Component
LOCATION VARCHAR2 30 LOOKUP: Manufacturing Location for the concept structure interface table.
ACTUAL_WEIGHT NUMBER Estimated, calculated or weighed weight
TARGET_WEIGHT NUMBER Target line item weight for the concept structure interface table.
WEIGHT_UNIT VARCHAR2 30 LOOKUP: Weight Unit, e.g. Kg, g, Pound, ton, ....
WEIGHT_QUALITY VARCHAR2 30 LOOKUP: Quality of weight information e.g. Estimated, Calculated, Weighed
ACTUAL_POWER_CONSUMPTION NUMBER Actual power consumption of the component
TARGET_POWER_CONSUMPTION NUMBER Planned power consumption of a line item
COST_VARIANCE NUMBER Variance between planned and actual cost
WEIGHT_VARIANCE NUMBER Variance between planned and actual line item weight
POWER_CONSUMPTION_VARIANCE NUMBER Variance between planned and actual line item power consumption
POWER_UNIT VARCHAR2 30 Lookup: Wattage etc. for the concept structure interface table.
UNIT_SIZE VARCHAR2 150 Size/Volume of component for the concept structure interface table.
MATERIAL VARCHAR2 150 Component Material for the concept structure interface table.
ALTERNATE VARCHAR2 1 'y' - current structure line item is available only for selected solution alternatives. Otherwise 'n'
FLAG_ALTERNATIVE_1 VARCHAR2 1 'y' - current structure line item is included in the corresponding solution alternative. Otherwise 'n'
FLAG_ALTERNATIVE_2 VARCHAR2 1 'y' - current structure line item is included in the corresponding solution alternative. Otherwise 'n'
FLAG_ALTERNATIVE_3 VARCHAR2 1 'y' - current structure line item is included in the corresponding solution alternative. Otherwise 'n'
FLAG_ALTERNATIVE_4 VARCHAR2 1 'y' - current structure line item is included in the corresponding solution alternative. Otherwise 'n'
FLAG_ALTERNATIVE_5 VARCHAR2 1 'y' - current structure line item is included in the corresponding solution alternative. Otherwise 'n'
FLAG_ALTERNATIVE_6 VARCHAR2 1 'y' - current structure line item is included in the corresponding solution alternative. Otherwise 'n'
FLAG_ALTERNATIVE_7 VARCHAR2 1 'y' - current structure line item is included in the corresponding solution alternative. Otherwise 'n'
FLAG_ALTERNATIVE_8 VARCHAR2 1 'y' - current structure line item is included in the corresponding solution alternative. Otherwise 'n'
FLAG_ALTERNATIVE_9 VARCHAR2 1 'y' - current structure line item is included in the corresponding solution alternative. Otherwise 'n'
FLAG_ALTERNATIVE_10 VARCHAR2 1 'y' - current structure line item is included in the corresponding solution alternative. Otherwise 'n'
FLAG_ALTERNATIVE_11 VARCHAR2 1 'y' - current structure line item is included in the corresponding solution alternative. Otherwise 'n'
FLAG_ALTERNATIVE_12 VARCHAR2 1 'y' - current structure line item is included in the corresponding solution alternative. Otherwise 'n'
FLAG_ALTERNATIVE_13 VARCHAR2 1 'y' - current structure line item is included in the corresponding solution alternative. Otherwise 'n'
FLAG_ALTERNATIVE_14 VARCHAR2 1 'y' - current structure line item is included in the corresponding solution alternative. Otherwise 'n'
FLAG_ALTERNATIVE_15 VARCHAR2 1 'y' - current structure line item is included in the corresponding solution alternative. Otherwise 'n'
COST_NOTES VARCHAR2 400 Further info about Cost for the concept structure interface table.
VENDOR VARCHAR2 150 Possible vendor/supplier of Component (or inhouse)
VENDOR_NOTES VARCHAR2 400 Notes to/about Vendor for the concept structure interface table.
COUNTRY_OF_ORIGIN VARCHAR2 100 Stores country this item comes from
CREATED_BY VARCHAR2 64 Yes Who column: indicates the user who created the row.
CREATION_DATE TIMESTAMP Yes Who column: indicates the date and time of the creation of the row.
LAST_UPDATED_BY VARCHAR2 64 Yes Who column: indicates the user who last updated the row.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE TIMESTAMP Yes Who column: indicates the date and time of the last update of the row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN VARCHAR2 32 Who column: indicates the session login associated to the user who last updated the row.
MORPHED_ID NUMBER 18 The Concept Structure Id of the line item that this line item got morphed into.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP001 TIMESTAMP Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP002 TIMESTAMP Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP003 TIMESTAMP Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER001 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER002 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER003 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER004 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER005 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER006 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER007 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER008 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR001 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR002 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR003 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR004 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR005 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR006 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR007 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR008 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR009 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR010 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR011 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR012 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR013 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR014 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP004 TIMESTAMP Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP005 TIMESTAMP Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP006 TIMESTAMP Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER009 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER010 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER011 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER012 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER013 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER014 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER015 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER016 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR015 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR016 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR017 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR018 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR019 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR020 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR021 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR022 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR023 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR024 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR025 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR026 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR027 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR028 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP007 TIMESTAMP Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP008 TIMESTAMP Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP009 TIMESTAMP Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER017 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER018 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER019 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER020 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER021 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER022 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER023 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER024 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR029 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR030 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR031 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR032 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR033 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR034 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR035 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR036 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR037 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR038 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR039 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR040 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR041 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR042 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP010 TIMESTAMP Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP011 TIMESTAMP Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP012 TIMESTAMP Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER025 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER026 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER027 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER028 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER029 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER030 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER031 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER032 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR043 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR044 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR045 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR046 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR047 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR048 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR049 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR050 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR051 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR052 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR053 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR054 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR055 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR056 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP013 TIMESTAMP Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP014 TIMESTAMP Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP015 TIMESTAMP Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER033 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER034 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER035 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER036 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER037 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER038 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER039 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER040 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR057 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR058 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR059 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR060 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR061 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR062 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR063 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR064 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR065 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR066 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR067 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR068 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR069 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR070 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP016 TIMESTAMP Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP017 TIMESTAMP Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP018 TIMESTAMP Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER041 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER042 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER043 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER044 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER045 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER046 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER047 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER048 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR071 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR072 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR073 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR074 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR075 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR076 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR077 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR078 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR079 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR080 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR081 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR082 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR083 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR084 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP019 TIMESTAMP Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP020 TIMESTAMP Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER049 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER050 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR085 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR086 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR087 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR088 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR089 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR090 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR091 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR092 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR093 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR094 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR095 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR096 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR097 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR098 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR099 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR100 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER201 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER202 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER203 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER204 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER205 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
CONCEPT_NAME VARCHAR2 400 Concept Name value for the concept structure interface table.
LEVELINFO VARCHAR2 400 Level information value for the concept structure interface table.
COMPONENT_NAME VARCHAR2 400 Component Name for the concept structure interface table.
SOURCE_LANG_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Indicates the code of the language in which the contents of the translatable columns were originally created.
LANG_CODE VARCHAR2 4 Indicates the code of the language into which the contents of the translatable columns are translated.
SRC_LANG_CODE VARCHAR2 4 Indicates the code of the language in which the contents of the translatable columns were originally created.
IMPORT_STATUS_CODE VARCHAR2 30 IMPORT_STATUS_CODE tells status of a row in the interface table.
INTERNAL_ACTION_CODE VARCHAR2 30 This column is created for internal use and will be populated and used by bulk import logic.
ACTION_CODE VARCHAR2 30 ACTION_CODE in interface table allows source system to specify a particular operation (insert, update, etc) for a row.
LOAD_REQUEST_ID NUMBER 10 When Data file uploaded and click on submit that time the load request Id generated.
INTERFACE_ROW_ID NUMBER 18 INTERFACE_ROW_ID is the unique identifier for the record with in a batch.


Index Uniqueness Tablespace Columns