This table stores the product concepts and scenarios for analysis pupose


  • Schema: FUSION

  • Object owner: ACE

  • Object type: TABLE

  • Tablespace: Default

Primary Key

Name Columns




Name Datatype Length Precision Not-null Comments
SEL_PRODUCTS_STAGING_ID NUMBER 18 Yes Autogenerated primary key of the table.
OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER NUMBER 9 Yes Used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.
CONCEPT_MASTER_ID NUMBER 18 Yes Foreign key reference to the ACD_CONCEPT_B table
BUSINESS_OBJECT_ID NUMBER 18 Yes Foreign key reference to AC_PF_SCENARIO_B
USER_ID VARCHAR2 64 Reference to the logged in User_ID
BUSINESS_OBJECT_TYPE VARCHAR2 1 Yes S/P to distinguish the current row is Scenario Product or Portfolio Product
INCLUDED VARCHAR2 1 Y/N to distinguish whether the product is selected / deselected in that scenario
PRIORITY NUMBER Product Metric: Priority of product.
RANK NUMBER Product Metric: Ranking of the product concept within the scenario.
SCORE NUMBER Product Metric: Score of the product concept within the scenario.
NET_PRESENT_VALUE NUMBER Product Metric: Net Present Value (NPV).
INTERNAL_RATE_OF_RETURN NUMBER Product Metric: Internal rate of return.
RESOURCE_VALUE_INDEX NUMBER Product Metric: Net Present Value (NPV) / Total resources.
COST_VALUE_INDEX NUMBER Product Metric: Cost value index.
YEAR_2_REVENUE NUMBER Product Metric: Two year revenue.
YEAR_3_REVENUE NUMBER Product Metric: Three year revenue.
YEAR_5_REVENUE NUMBER Product Metric: Five year revenue.
RPI NUMBER Product Metric: Resources productivity index (ECV / Total resources).
CPI NUMBER Product Metric: Cost Productivity Index.
TRCC NUMBER Product Metric: Total resource costs consumed. Monetary equivalent of resources consumed by all selected products included in the scenario.
ROI NUMBER Product Metric: Return on investment.
PAYBACK_PERIOD NUMBER Product Metric: Payback period.
PRODUCT_STRATEGIC_IMP NUMBER Product Metric: Strategic importance of product.
MARKET_GROWTH_PERCENT NUMBER Product Metric: Percentage of market growth.
MARKET_SHARE_PERCENT NUMBER Product Metric: Percentage of Market Share.
PRODUCT_CATEGORIZATION VARCHAR2 30 Product Metric: Product categorization.
ALIGNMENT VARCHAR2 30 Product Metric: The values for this column will be maintained in FND_LOOKUPS under the ACE_ALIGNMENT lookup type.
IMPACT VARCHAR2 30 Product Metric: The values for this column will be maintained in FND_LOOKUPS under the ACE_IMPACT lookup type.
COMPETITIVE_ADVANTAGE VARCHAR2 30 Product Metric: Competitive advantage.
SUPPLY_CHAIN_FIT VARCHAR2 30 Product Metric: The values for this column will be maintained in FND_LOOKUPS under the ACE_SUPPLY_CHAIN_FIT lookup type.
RND_KNOW_HOW VARCHAR2 30 Product Metric: The values for this column will be maintained in FND_LOOKUPS under the ACE_RND_KNOW_HOW lookup type.
BUSINESS_UNIT_STRENGTH NUMBER Product Metric: Business Unit Strength.
MARKET_ATTRACTIVENESS NUMBER Product Metric: Market attractiveness.
EXPECTED_COMMERCIAL_VALUE NUMBER Product Metric: Expected commercial value.
PROJECTED_COST NUMBER Product Metric: Projected costs of product.
ACTUAL_COST NUMBER Product Metric: Actual costs of product.
ACTUAL_RESOURCES NUMBER Product Metric: Actual resources of product.
PROJECTED_RESOURCES NUMBER Product Metric: Projected resources.
ACTUAL_REVENUE NUMBER Product Metric: Product's actual revenue.
PROJECTED_REVENUE NUMBER Product Metric: Projected revenue.
RISK_SUBJECTIVE VARCHAR2 30 Product Metric: Subjective representation of risk.
RISK_NUMBERIC VARCHAR2 30 Product Metric: Numeric representation of risk.
PRODUCT_STRATEGIC_FIT VARCHAR2 30 Product Metric: Strategic fit of product.
PROJ_DEV_MATERIAL_COST NUMBER Product Metric: Projected development material costs.
PROJ_DEV_VARIABLE_COST NUMBER Product Metric: Projected variable development costs.
PROJ_DEV_FIXED_COST NUMBER Product Metric: Projected fixed development costs.
PROJ_DEV_LABOR_COST NUMBER Product Metric: Projected development labor costs.
PROJ_PROD_MATERIAL_COST NUMBER Product Metric: Projected Production Material Costs.
PROJ_PROD_VARIABLE_COST NUMBER Product Metric: Projected variable production costs.
PROJ_PROD_FIXED_COST NUMBER Product Metric: Projected fixed production costs.
PROJ_PROD_LABOR_COST NUMBER Product Metric: Projected Production Labor Cost
PROJ_DEV_COST NUMBER Product Metric: Projected development costs.
PROJ_PROD_COST NUMBER Product Metric: Projected production costs.
ACTUAL_DEV_MATERIAL_COST NUMBER Product Metric: Actual development material costs.
ACTUAL_DEV_VARIABLE_COST NUMBER Product Metric: Actual development variable costs.
ACTUAL_DEV_FIXED_COST NUMBER Product Metric: Actual development fixed costs.
ACTUAL_DEV_LABOR_COST NUMBER Product Metric: Actual development labor costs.
ACTUAL_PROD_MATERIAL_COST NUMBER Product Metric: Actual production material costs.
ACTUAL_PROD_VARIABLE_COST NUMBER Product Metric: Actual variable production costs.
ACTUAL_PROD_FIXED_COST NUMBER Product Metric: Actual fixed production costs.
ACTUAL_PROD_LABOR_COST NUMBER Product Metric: Actual production labor costs.
ACTUAL_DEVELOPMENT_COST NUMBER Product Metric: Actual development costs.
ACTUAL_PRODUCTION_COST NUMBER Product Metric: Actual production costs.
PROB_OF_COMMERCIAL_SUCCESS NUMBER Product Metric: Probability of commercial success.
PROB_OF_TECHNICAL_SUCCESS NUMBER Product Metric: Probability of technical success.
CREATED_BY VARCHAR2 64 Yes Who column: indicates the user who created the row.
CREATION_DATE TIMESTAMP Yes Who column: indicates the date and time of the creation of the row.
LAST_UPDATED_BY VARCHAR2 64 Yes Who column: indicates the user who last updated the row.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE TIMESTAMP Yes Who column: indicates the date and time of the last update of the row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN VARCHAR2 32 Who column: indicates the session login associated to the user who last updated the row.

Foreign Keys

Table Foreign Table Foreign Key Column


Index Uniqueness Tablespace Columns