This table will get the appropriate tolerance rule id for eligible records


  • Schema: FUSION

  • Object owner: CMF

  • Object type: TABLE

  • Tablespace: Default


Name Datatype Length Precision Comments
TOLERANCE_RULE_ID NUMBER 18 The choosen Tolerance Rule id
SOURCE_DOC_SCHEDULEID NUMBER 18 Scheduleid of Source document
ITEM_ID NUMBER 18 Fiscal document Item id
ISSUER_PARTY_ID NUMBER 18 Fiscal document Issuer party Id
PO_QTY NUMBER Quantity of the item in Purchse Order Schedule.
PO_PRICE NUMBER Unit price of the item in Purchase Order Line.
DOCUMENT_HEADER_ID NUMBER 18 Fiscal Document Header Id
DOCUMENT_LINE_ID NUMBER 18 Line Id for Fiscal Document
FD_SCHEDULE_ID NUMBER 18 Fiscal Document Schedule Id
FD_PRICE NUMBER Fiscal Document Price
FD_QUANTITY NUMBER Fiscal Document Quantity
PHYSICAL_RECEIPT_QUANTITY NUMBER Fiscal Document Physical Receipt Qty
PRICE_HOLD VARCHAR2 20 This indicates if we need to raise hold for Price
SD_HOLD VARCHAR2 20 This indicates if we need to raise hold for Source Document and FD qty discrepancy
FD_HOLD VARCHAR2 20 This indicates if we need to raise hold for physical delivered qty and FD qty discrepancy
FISCAL_PROC_OPTIONS_ID NUMBER 18 Fiscal process options id
UOM_CONV_RATE NUMBER Indicates the quantity conversion rate from fiscal document schedules UOM to fiscal document lines UOM.
PRICING_UOM VARCHAR2 5 Indicates the UOM in which pricing is done. The Pricing UOM is derived as per the fiscal flow from source documents like Purchase Order, Transfer Order etc.
PRICING_QTY NUMBER Indicates the quantity in pricing UOM allocated from source document in fiscal document schedule.