Entity that holds all the physical attributes of the meter readings.


  • Schema: FUSION

  • Object owner: CSE

  • Object type: TABLE

  • Tablespace: Default

Primary Key

Name Columns




Name Datatype Length Precision Not-null Comments
METER_READING_ID NUMBER 18 Yes Unique identifier and Primary Key for the meter. System Generated using the Fusion Global Unique ID generator
OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER NUMBER 9 Yes Used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.
METER_ID NUMBER 18 Yes The foreign key to the instantiated meter.
READING_DATE TIMESTAMP Yes The date when the reading is captured.
READING_TYPE_CODE VARCHAR2 30 When reading is captured for the meter that has the meter reading type of both (absolute or change), at the capture time, user must say whether the value is absolute or change.
READING_VALUE NUMBER Yes The numeric reading value that is captured for the meter.
READING_NET_CHANGE NUMBER Computed programatically. Typically it will be = new reading – net of last reading, but there are some different formulas involved.
DISPLAYED_VALUE NUMBER The numeric reading value that is displayed in the user interface after computing the value that the user entered.
NET_VALUE NUMBER Computed programmatically. Typically it will be = new reading + net of last reading, but there are some different formulas involved.
INITIAL_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Flag to indicate if the reading entered is created automatically based on the initial reading value set at the meter instance or meter definition.
RESET_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Flag indicating wheter the reading was created as a result of a meter reset.
MODIFIED_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Flag indicating whether the meter reading was edited by the user or not.
ROLLOVER_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Flag indicating whether the reading was created as a result of the rollover settings in the meter instance or meter definition.
DISABLED_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Flag indicating whether the meter reading is disabled by a funcitonal user.
CANCELED_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 The flag indicating that the meter reading is canceled. A meter reading may be auto canceled when the user is trying to correct an earlier reading.
REFERENCE_READING_ID NUMBER 18 When readings are auto created by the system based on a reading that is auto cancelled, the auto cancelled reading id reference is persisted here.
COMMENTS VARCHAR2 240 Free form comment field used to capture any notes, etc while the reading is being captured.
WORK_ORDER_ID NUMBER 18 The work order where this meter reading is captured upon completion of the work order.
CURRENCY_CODE VARCHAR2 15 Currency code for the extensibility
CORP_CURRENCY_CODE VARCHAR2 15 Corporate currency code for extensibility
CURCY_CONV_RATE_TYPE VARCHAR2 30 Currency conversion rate type for extensibility
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY VARCHAR2 80 Descriptive Flexfield: structure definition of the user descriptive flexfield.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR001 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR002 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR003 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR004 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR005 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR006 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR007 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR008 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR009 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR010 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR011 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR012 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR013 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR014 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR015 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR016 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR017 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR018 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR019 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR020 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR021 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR022 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR023 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR024 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR025 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR026 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR027 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR028 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR029 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR030 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR031 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR032 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR033 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR034 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR035 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR036 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR037 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR038 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR039 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR040 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR041 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR042 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR043 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR044 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR045 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR046 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR047 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR048 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR049 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR050 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR051 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR052 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR053 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR054 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR055 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR056 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR057 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR058 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR059 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR060 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR061 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR062 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR063 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR064 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR065 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR066 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR067 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR068 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR069 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR070 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR071 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR072 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR073 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR074 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR075 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR076 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR077 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR078 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR079 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR080 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR081 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR082 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR083 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR084 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR085 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR086 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR087 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR088 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR089 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR090 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR091 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR092 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR093 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR094 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR095 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR096 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR097 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR098 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR099 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR100 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER001 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER002 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER003 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER004 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER005 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER006 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER007 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER008 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER009 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER010 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER011 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER012 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER013 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER014 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER015 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER016 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER017 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER018 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER019 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER020 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER021 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER022 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER023 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER024 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER025 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER026 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER027 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER028 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER029 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER030 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER031 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER032 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER033 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER034 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER035 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER036 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER037 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER038 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER039 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER040 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER041 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER042 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER043 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER044 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER045 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER046 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER047 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER048 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER049 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER050 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP001 TIMESTAMP Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP002 TIMESTAMP Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP003 TIMESTAMP Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP004 TIMESTAMP Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP005 TIMESTAMP Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP006 TIMESTAMP Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP007 TIMESTAMP Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP008 TIMESTAMP Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP009 TIMESTAMP Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP010 TIMESTAMP Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CLOB001 CLOB Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CLOB002 CLOB Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CLOB003 CLOB Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CLOB004 CLOB Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CLOB005 CLOB Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
CREATED_BY VARCHAR2 64 Yes Who column: indicates the user who created the row.
CREATION_DATE TIMESTAMP Yes Who column: indicates the date and time of the creation of the row.
LAST_UPDATED_BY VARCHAR2 64 Yes Who column: indicates the user who last updated the row.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE TIMESTAMP Yes Who column: indicates the date and time of the last update of the row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN VARCHAR2 32 Who column: indicates the session login associated to the user who last updated the row.
REQUEST_ID NUMBER 18 Enterprise Service Scheduler: indicates the request ID of the job that created or last updated the row.
JOB_DEFINITION_NAME VARCHAR2 100 Enterprise Service Scheduler: indicates the name of the job that created or last updated the row.
JOB_DEFINITION_PACKAGE VARCHAR2 900 Enterprise Service Scheduler: indicates the package name of the job that created or last updated the row.


Index Uniqueness Tablespace Columns