This is an inprocess data staging temporary table used in the processing of order management relationships from sales orders to installed base.


  • Schema: FUSION

  • Object owner: CSE

  • Object type: TABLE

  • Tablespace: Default


Name Datatype Length Precision Comments
GTT_OM_RELATIONSHIP_ID NUMBER 18 The unique to identify the inprocess data in terms of order management relationship processing.
GTT_GROUP_ID NUMBER 18 The processing group identifier.
FULFILL_LINE_ID NUMBER 18 The fulfillment line identifier foreign key reference.
PARENT_FULFILL_LINE_ID NUMBER 18 The parent fulfillment line identifier. A foreign key to doo_fulfill_lines_all.
ROOT_PARENT_FULFILL_LINE_ID NUMBER 18 The root parent fulfillment like identifier. Foreign key to doo_fulfill_lines_all.
ITEM_SUB_TYPE_CODE VARCHAR2 100 The item sub type code as interpreted by the sales order processing module.
ITEM_ORGANIZATION_ID NUMBER 18 The organization identifier where validations are to be driven from.
CONFIG_INVENTORY_ITEM_ID NUMBER 18 The configured item identifier. This is filled in for an ato model based sales order.
ITEM_ID NUMBER 18 The intentory item identifier. This is the foreign key to the item master.
FULFILLED_QTY NUMBER The quantity that is fulfilled by the order line.
SHIPPED_QTY NUMBER The quantity that is shipped to the customer.
QUANTITY_PER_MODEL NUMBER The ratio in which the order line should be split for non serail asset processing.
ITEM_ASSET_TRACKED_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 The asset tracked flag as defined in the item master.
ITEM_GENEALOGY_TRACKING_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 The product genealogy enablement flag as defined in the item master.
ITEM_SERIAL_CONTROL_CODE NUMBER The serial controlled flag as defined in the item master.
ITEM_LOT_CONTROL_CODE NUMBER The lot controlled flag as defined in the item master.
CONFIG_ASSET_TRACKED_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 The asset tracked flag as defined for the configured item.
CONFIG_GENEALOGY_TRACKING_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 The genealogy enablement flag for the config item as defined in the item master.
CONFIG_SERIAL_CONTROL_CODE NUMBER The serial control code for the config item as defined in the item mas+ter.
CONFIG_LOT_CONTROL_CODE NUMBER The lot control flag for the config item as defined in the item master.