This is an inprocess data staging table used in the processing of source transactions from other fusion source applications to installed base.


  • Schema: FUSION

  • Object owner: CSE

  • Object type: TABLE

  • Tablespace: Default


Name Datatype Length Precision Comments
GTT_TXN_ID NUMBER 18 Temporary Transaction Identifier. The primary key of the entity.
GTT_GROUP_ID NUMBER 18 Grouping Identifier. The grouping key for the processing.
TRANSACTION_ID NUMBER 18 Transaction Identifier. The primary key column.
SRC_SYSTEM_TYPE VARCHAR2 30 Type of the Source System. Internal or External.
SRC_SYSTEM_ID NUMBER 18 Source System Identifier. Application Identifier when the source system type is Internal.
SRC_TRANSACTION_DATE TIMESTAMP Source Transaction Date. Date when the transaction was performed in the source system.
SRC_TRANSACTION_ID NUMBER Source Transaction Identifier. The unique transaction identifier in the source system.
SRC_TRANSACTION_TYPE_ID VARCHAR2 30 The transaction type identifier for the recorded transaction.
SRC_TRANSACTION_TYPE VARCHAR2 240 Source Transaction type. The type of transaction performed in the source system.
SRC_TRANSACTION_QTY NUMBER Source Transaction Quantity. The quantity transacted in the source system.
SRC_TRANSACTION_UOM_CODE VARCHAR2 3 The unit of measure code captured for the quantity transacted in the source system.
SECONDARY_QUANTITY NUMBER This is the secondary quantity captured when the item supports dual units of measure.
SECONDARY_UOM_CODE VARCHAR2 3 The unit of measure code for the secondary quantity. This is captured only when the item supports dual units of measure.
ITEM_ID NUMBER 18 Inventory Item Identifier. The item transaction in the source system.
ITEM_REVISION VARCHAR2 18 The item revision for which the transaction is performed.
ITEM_ORGANIZATION_ID NUMBER 18 Item Organization Identifier. The foreign key to the maintenance organization.
REFERENCED_TRANSACTION_ID NUMBER 18 An upgrade or replace transaction that is referenced here. This will give room for a cancel transaction to cancel out the referenced transaction. Only a cancel transaction will have this value populated.
PJC_PROJECT_ID NUMBER 18 The foreign key reference to the Project. Assets created from supply chain transactions that are performed in the context of a project will have this value populated.
PJC_TASK_ID NUMBER 18 The foreign key reference to the Project Task. Assets created from supply chain transactions that are performed in the context of a project task will have this value populated.
PJC_EXPENDITURE_TYPE_ID NUMBER 18 The expenditure type that is captured along with the project and task to categorize the exenditure.
PJC_EXPENDITURE_DATE DATE The data at which the project expenditure is captured.
PJC_EXPENDITURE_ORG_ID NUMBER 18 The expenditure organization in which the project and task is collecting the cost for.
TXN_GROUP_ID NUMBER 18 The transaction group identifier that is used by the inventory transaction processor to group transaction that are involved in the lot splits, merges, and translations.
SOURCE_LOT_TXN_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Flag indicating that the transaction interfaced to genealogy in the group of transactions (grouped by txn_group_id) for the lot merge/split, is of the source lot.
CREATION_MODE VARCHAR2 30 The means used to create this transaction. Either using the REST API, User Interface, Open Interface, or from Integration.
ASSET_GROUP_NUMBER VARCHAR2 30 The asset group in which the assets should be included. An asset group number is captured in the sales order line and is passed through to installed base.


Index Uniqueness Columns