This table is populated with the distinct Inventory Item - From UOM codes which is then used to find the conversion rate. The conversion rate is then updated in the table and used in later processing.


  • Schema: FUSION

  • Object owner: CST

  • Object type: TABLE



INVENTORY_ITEM_IDNUMBERInventory Item Identifier

FROM_UOM_CODEVARCHAR23Find conversion rate from this unit of measure code

TO_UOM_CODEVARCHAR23Find conversion rate to this unit of measure code

FROM_UOMVARCHAR225Find conversion rate from this unit of measure

TO_UOMVARCHAR225Find conversion rate to this unit of measure

UOM_CONVERSION_FACTORNUMBERConversion rate to convert quantity between from_uom (from_uom_code) and to_uom (to_uom_code)

STATUSVARCHAR230Status of UOM conversion