Current Transactions and Transfers Staged for Overheads Calculations.


  • Schema: FUSION

  • Object owner: CST

  • Object type: TABLE

  • Tablespace: INTERFACE

Primary Key

Name Columns




Name Datatype Length Precision Not-null Comments Status
TRANSACTION_ID NUMBER 18 Yes Single column FK: Identifies the costing transaction. Active
REC_TRXN_ID NUMBER 18 Yes Transaction identifier of a receipt transaction. Active
DEP_TRXN_ID NUMBER 18 Yes Indicates Deplete Transaction Identifier for layers. Active
COST_ELEMENT_ID NUMBER 18 Yes Cost element corresponding to the cost of the transaction. Active
EXPENSE_POOL_ID NUMBER 18 Yes Identifies the expense pool for which this cost is created. Indicates the following when negative value: -1: Freight Cost -2: Gain/loss on transfer price -3: Transfer Price -4: Expensed LCM cost element (capitalization flag deselected on mapping setup) -22: Used by internal logic to ignore cost for this node but transfer it to the next node for costing as gain/loss -5: Additional taxes for Brazil. Come on tops of TP. Active
EFF_DATE TIMESTAMP Yes The effective date of the cost record. It is the date when the cost became in effect for the transaction. For new costs, the effective date is the date stamped on the transaction. For user adjustments, the effective date is the user entry date. For acquisition cost adjustments, the effective date is the system date at time of cost processing. Active
TRANSACTION_COST_ID NUMBER 18 Yes Single column FK: Identifies the transaction cost. Active
COST_ORG_ID NUMBER 18 Single column FK: Identifies the Cost Organization associated with the inventory organization. Active
COST_BOOK_ID NUMBER 18 Single column FK: Identifies the Cost Book assigned to the Cost Organization. Active
INVENTORY_ITEM_ID NUMBER 18 This identifies the inventory item. Active
VAL_UNIT_ID NUMBER 18 Valuation unit identifier for transaction layer. Active
COST_DATE TIMESTAMP Indicates Transaction Layers Cost Date. Active
BASE_TXN_TYPE_ID NUMBER 18 Inventory transaction type identifier. For origin as INV the value comes from INV_TRANSACTION_TYPES_TL table.
COST_SOURCE VARCHAR2 30 Identifies the source of the cost, such as Purchase Order (PO) or Accounts Payable (AP). The LOOKUP_TYPE for these values is CST_COST_SOURCES.
COST_REFERENCE VARCHAR2 100 Identifies a specific business object or value that further refines the cost source information, such as the source cost organization identifier or an effective date.
BASE_TXN_ACTION_ID NUMBER 18 Inventory transaction source type identifyer.
BASE_TXN_SOURCE_TYPE_ID NUMBER 18 Inventory Transaction source type identifyer.
COST_TRANSACTION_TYPE VARCHAR2 10 Cost Transaction Type is used by the costing engine to categorize group processing. Set to 'ADJUST' for adjustments, null otherwise. Active
ADDITIONAL_PROCESSING_CODE VARCHAR2 240 Additional Processing Code is an optional further definition of the Cost Transaction Type. It is used on adjustment transactions (Cost Transaction Type is set to 'ADJUST') and is set to 'USER' when the adjustment was done by the user; otherwise, it is set to null. Active
COST_COMPONENT_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Identifies the cost component. Values are based on the seeded cost components in the lookup type CST_COMPONENT_CODES.
QUANTITY NUMBER This column stores the onhand quantity. Active
UOM_CODE VARCHAR2 25 Unit of measure code of the item. Active
UNIT_COST NUMBER Indicates the unit cost of the cost element. Active
CURRENCY_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Yes Identifies the currency of the transaction / cost. Active
ADJUSTMENT_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Yes Indicates is the rows is an adjustment propagation row.
POSTED_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Indicates the processing status of the transaction. Possible values are N-Not processed, Y-Processed, X-Excluded. Active
REQUEST_ID NUMBER 18 Enterprise Service Scheduler: indicates the request ID of the job that created or last updated the row. Active
PERPAVG_COST_ID NUMBER 18 Identifies the perpetual average cost.
STD_COST_ID NUMBER 18 Identifies the standard cost used for this row.
PERIODIC_COST_ID NUMBER 18 Unique identifier for a periodic average cost row.

Foreign Keys

Table Foreign Table Foreign Key Column


Index Uniqueness Tablespace Columns Status