Fulfillment line level information in the fulfillment system response.


  • Schema: FUSION

  • Object owner: DOO

  • Object type: TABLE

  • Tablespace: INTERFACE

Primary Key

Name Columns




Name Datatype Length Precision Not-null Comments
FULFILL_LINE_IF_ID NUMBER 18 Yes Unique internal identifier for a fulfillment line interface record, generated by sequence.
FULFILLMENT_SYSTEM_RESPONSE_ID VARCHAR2 50 Unique identifier that fulfillment system may send and can be used to correlate the response relayed back to the fulfillment system.
FULFILL_LINE_INTERFACE_KEY VARCHAR2 120 An identifier that distinguishes a fulfillment line record from another one for a given fulfillment system response that could be comprised of fulfillment lines across orders. This identifier is used to correlate a fulfillment line with child records in the same response.
LOAD_REQUEST_ID NUMBER 18 Unique identifier of a data set pertaining to fulfillment system responses to one or more fulfillment system requests.
CREATED_BY VARCHAR2 64 Who column: indicates the user who created the row.
CREATION_DATE TIMESTAMP Who column: indicates the date and time of the creation of the row.
LAST_UPDATED_BY VARCHAR2 64 Who column: indicates the user who last updated the row.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE TIMESTAMP Who column: indicates the date and time of the last update of the row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN VARCHAR2 32 Who column: indicates the session login associated to the user who last updated the row.
OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER NUMBER 9 Yes Used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.
ORDER_NUMBER VARCHAR2 50 Representation of a sales order used in communication with fulfillment systems.
LINE_NUMBER NUMBER 9 Representation of a sales order line used in communication with fulfillment systems.
FULFILL_LINE_NUMBER NUMBER 9 Numerical value associated to fulfillment line. It is defaulted to 1 and increments in integers as fulfillment lines split.
FULFILL_LINE_ID NUMBER 18 Unique Identifier for a fulfillment line.
EXTENDED_FULFILL_LINE_NUMBER NUMBER 18 Extended fulfill line key that is used for communication with fulfillment systems.
EXTERNAL_INTERACTION_KEY VARCHAR2 150 An alternate way of uniquely identifying an object instance.
FULFILLMENT_SYS_INTERACTION_ID NUMBER 18 Identifier used for interaction with the fulfillment system.
SCHEDULED_SHIP_DATE DATE Date when goods are expected to be shipped.
SCHEDULED_ARRIVAL_DATE DATE Date the shipment is scheduled to arrive.
TRADE_COMPLIANCE_RESULT_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Result of trade compliance screening across all applicable compliance types.
TRADE_COMPLIANCE_SCREEN_DATE TIMESTAMP Date on which the line was last screened for trade compliance.
FULFILLMENT_STATUS_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Status of the fulfillment line in the context of the task instance.
TRANSPORT_ORDER_RELEASE_ID VARCHAR2 50 Unique identifier of the order release in the transportation management system corresponding to a fulfillment line.
FULFILLMENT_SPLIT_REFERENCE_ID NUMBER 18 If the fulfillment system splits their transaction line corresponding to the original fulfillment line, when they send the new transaction line, this will be the identifier of the original fulfillment line.
SPLIT_FROM_EXT_INTERACTION_KEY VARCHAR2 150 Reference to the transaction line from which it was split in the fulfillment system.
PRODUCT_ID NUMBER 18 Unique identifier of the inventory item.
PRODUCT_NUMBER VARCHAR2 300 SKU of product that is being fulfilled.
PRODUCT_DESCRIPTION VARCHAR2 240 Display Name of the product that is being fulfilled.
ORIGINAL_PRODUCT_ID NUMBER 18 Unique identifier of the original inventory item sent by Planning to compare with the current value in Order Management to ensure that planning was not done on stale data.
ORIGINAL_PRODUCT_NUMBER VARCHAR2 300 SKU of the original product that was ordered. This is sent by Planning to compare with the current value in Order Management to ensure that planning was not done on stale data.
FULFILLMENT_ORG_ID NUMBER 18 Unique identifier of the fulfillment organization.
FULFILLMENT_ORG_CODE VARCHAR2 18 Code that represents the organization from which the product was shipped.
FULFILLMENT_ORG_NAME VARCHAR2 240 Name that represents the organization from which the product was shipped.
SUBSTITUTION_REASON_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Code that describes why an item was substituted on a fulfillment line.
SUBSTITUTION_REASON VARCHAR2 80 Reason that describes why an item was substituted on a fulfillment line.
REQUESTED_SHIP_DATE DATE Original date the customer requested the item to ship.
REQUESTED_ARRIVAL_DATE DATE Original date the customer requested the to item arrive.
PACKING_INSTRUCTIONS VARCHAR2 1000 A message that provides information concerning the packing of an item.
SHIPPING_INSTRUCTIONS VARCHAR2 1000 A message that provides details about cargo and any requirements for its physical movement.
TXN_BUSINESS_CATEGORY_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Code used to group and process journal entries with similar characteristics, such as adjustments, accruals, or reclassifications.
TXN_BUSINESS_CATEGORY_NAME VARCHAR2 240 Name of the classification or categorization of a transaction for tax purposes as required by a tax authority.
DEFAULT_TAXATION_COUNTRY VARCHAR2 2 Country used for tax calculation purposes.
DEFAULT_TAX_COUNTRY_SHORT_NAME VARCHAR2 80 Short name of the country used for tax calculation purposes.
FIRST_PARTY_TAX_REG_ID NUMBER 18 Unique identifier of the registration number that is quoted to the supplier. Supplier uses this number to tax the transaction.
FIRST_PARTY_TAX_REG_NUMBER VARCHAR2 50 Registration number that is quoted to the supplier. Supplier uses this number to tax the transaction.
THIRD_PARTY_TAX_REG_ID NUMBER 18 Unique identifier of the customer registration number that is specified by the customer on the purchase order.
THIRD_PARTY_TAX_REG_NUMBER VARCHAR2 50 Customer registration number specified by the customer in the purchase order.
DOCUMENT_SUBTYPE VARCHAR2 240 Classification that is used for tax calculation and tax reporting, depending upon the requirements of different countries.
DOCUMENT_SUBTYPE_NAME VARCHAR2 240 Name of Document Sub Type used for tax calculation and tax reporting depending upon the requirements of different countries.
TAX_INVOICE_NUMBER VARCHAR2 150 Invoice number used for tax reporting.
TAX_INVOICE_DATE DATE Invoice date used for tax reporting.
PRODUCT_FISCAL_CATEGORY_ID NUMBER 18 Unique identifier of the classification of the products by tax authority for tax purposes.
PRODUCT_FISCAL_CATEGORY_NAME VARCHAR2 250 Classification name of the product by tax authority for tax purposes.
PRODUCT_TYPE VARCHAR2 240 Product-related classification in Oracle Fusion Tax. The value of the product type specifies whether the transaction line is for a good or service, or whether it is a memo line.
PRODUCT_TYPE_NAME VARCHAR2 80 A product related classification in Oracle Fusion Tax that specifies whether the transaction line is for a good, or a service, or it is a memo line.
PRODUCT_CATEGORY VARCHAR2 240 Product classification for tax purposes.
PRODUCT_CATEGORY_NAME VARCHAR2 240 A classification of products for tax purposes.
TAX_ASSESSED_PRICE NUMBER Price at which a product is valued by a tax authority for a given tax.
USER_DEFINED_FISCAL_CLASS VARCHAR2 30 Classification of the transaction into different categories for tax purposes.
USER_DEFINED_FISC_CLASS_NAME VARCHAR2 240 Name of another classification of the transaction into different categories for tax purposes.
INTENDED_USE_CLASSIFICATION_ID NUMBER 18 Unique identifier of the classification for intended use of the item for tax calculation purposes.
INTENDED_USE_CLASS_NAME VARCHAR2 240 The classification for intended use for tax calculation purposes.
SHIPPING_SERVICE_LEVEL_CODE VARCHAR2 1000 Code that represents the priority of transportation that affects how quickly goods are transported.
SHIPPING_SERVICE_LEVEL VARCHAR2 1000 Level of service to be used for delivery of the shipment.
SHIPPING_MODE_CODE VARCHAR2 1000 Code that represents the type of transportation used to ship the product, such as truck, air, or boat.
SHIPPING_MODE VARCHAR2 1000 Shipping mode that was actually used to deliver the goods.
SHIPPING_CARRIER_CODE VARCHAR2 1000 Code that represents the shipping carrier that delivered the goods.
SHIPPING_CARRIER VARCHAR2 1000 Shipping carrier that delivered the goods.
EARLIEST_ACCEPTABLE_SHIP_DATE DATE Earliest date that the customer is willing to receive a shipment.
LATEST_ACCEPTABLE_SHIP_DATE DATE Latest date that the customer is willing to have a warehouse ship a product.
LATEST_ACCEPTABLE_ARRIVAL_DATE DATE Latest date that the customer is willing to receive a product.
PROMISED_SHIP_DATE DATE Date that was promised to the customer that the item would ship.
PROMISED_ARRIVAL_DATE DATE Date that was promised to the customer that the item would arrive.
EXEMPTION_CERTIFICATE_NO VARCHAR2 80 Tax exemption certificate number.
REQUIRED_FULFILLMENT_DATE TIMESTAMP Customer required fulfillment date.
ACTUAL_SHIPPED_DATE DATE The date the shipment was actually sent.
FULFILLMENT_TXN_LINE_QUANTITY NUMBER Quantity of the transaction line in the fulfillment system. For split cases, each transaction line should be sent back as a FulfillLine and the sum of this field across all transaction lines should equal the ordered quantity.
FULFILLMENT_DATE DATE Date when the fulfillment task is completed.
RMA_DELIVERED_QUANTITY NUMBER The quantity delivered against the receipt line.
SHIPPED_QUANTITY NUMBER Quantity of product on an order line that is shipped.
RESERVED_QUANTITY NUMBER Quantity of an item that was set aside in a warehouse specifically to fulfill the demand from a given fulfillment line.
INVENTORY_RESERVATION_ID NUMBER 18 Reference to the unique identifier for the inventory reservation.
REQUEST_TYPE VARCHAR2 30 Indicates if the scheduling request is of type SHIP or ARRIVAL.
ACTUAL_COMPLETION_DATE DATE The date when fulfillment line is processed completely.
ESTIMATED_FULFILLMENT_COST NUMBER The estimated cost it will take to deliver a fulfillment line to a customer. The figure includes item cost as well as shipping cost.
ESTIMATED_MARGIN_AMOUNT NUMBER The estimated margin expected when shipping the fulfillment line.
CONFIG_ITEM_REFERENCE VARCHAR2 1000 Reference to the identifier of the finished ATO item in an ERP system where the fulfillment of the finished item is done by that ERP system.
BUYER_ID NUMBER 18 Holds Buyer information for a schedule, this is a reference column and it is referenced to BUYER PUBLIC VIEW that is published by purchase Order product.
BUYER_NAME VARCHAR2 1000 Name of the buyer responsible for a drop ship purchase order.
PURCHASING_UOM_CODE VARCHAR2 3 Unit of measure in which the Procurement system placed the Purchase Order with the supplier.
PURCHASING_UOM VARCHAR2 25 Meaning of the unit of measure code in which the quantity is expressed on the Purchase Order.
SHIPPED_UOM_CODE VARCHAR2 3 Unit of measure code in which the shipped quantity is expressed. For drop shipment this may be different from ordered unit of measure code. You need not pass this for all other sources of fulfillment or it should match the Ordered UOM.
SHIPPED_UOM VARCHAR2 25 Meaning of the unit of measure code in which the shipped quantity is expressed. NOTE: For drop shipment this may be different from Ordered UOM. You need not pass this for all other sources of fulfillment or it should match the Ordered UOM.
SUPPLY_STATUS_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Status of the supply for fulfilling the line.
VERIFY_ORIG_ATTRIBUTES_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Indicates whether Order Management should compare the original attribute values with the current values. A planning system may use this to verify that it is making recommendations based on the latest data snapshot.
ORIG_ORDERED_QUANTITY NUMBER Original value of the Ordered Quantity sent by Planning to compare with the current value in Order Management to ensure that planning was not done on stale data.
ORIG_FULFILLMENT_ORG_ID NUMBER 18 Unique identifier of the original fulfillment organization sent by Planning to compare with the current value in Order Management to ensure that planning was not done on stale data.
ORIG_SCHEDULED_SHIP_DATE DATE Original value of the Scheduled Ship Date sent by Planning to compare with the current value in Order Management to ensure that planning was not done on stale data.
ORIG_SCHEDULED_ARRIVAL_DATE DATE Original value of the Scheduled Arrival Date sent by Planning to compare with the current value in Order Management to ensure that planning was not done on stale data.
ORIG_SHIPPING_SVC_LEVEL_CODE VARCHAR2 1000 Original value of the Shipping Service Level Code sent by Planning to compare with the current value in Order Management to ensure that planning was not done on stale data.
ORIG_SHIPPING_MODE_CODE VARCHAR2 1000 Original value of the Shipping Mode Code sent by Planning to compare with the current value in Order Management to ensure that planning was not done on stale data.
ORIG_SHIPPING_CARRIER_CODE VARCHAR2 1000 Original value of the Shipping Carrier Code sent by Planning to compare with the current value in Order Management to ensure that planning was not done on stale data.
PURCHASE_ORDER_ID VARCHAR2 50 Unique identifier of the Purchase Order in an external system for dropshipment of this fulfillment line.
PURCHASE_ORDER_NUMBER VARCHAR2 150 Reference to the Purchase Order Number in an external system for dropshipment of this fulfillment line.
PURCHASE_ORDER_REVISION_NUMBER VARCHAR2 150 Reference to the revision number of the Purchase Order in an external system for dropshipment of this fulfillment line.
PURCHASE_ORDER_LINE_ID VARCHAR2 50 Unique identifier of the Purchase Order Line in an external system for dropshipment of this fulfillment line.
PURCHASE_ORDER_LINE_NUMBER VARCHAR2 150 Reference to the Purchase Order Line Number in an external system for dropshipment of this fulfillment line.
PURCHASE_ORDER_SCHEDULE_ID VARCHAR2 50 Unique identifier of the Purchase Order Schedule in an external system for dropshipment of this fulfillment line.
PURCHASE_ORDER_SCHEDULE_NUMBER VARCHAR2 150 Reference to the Purchase Order Schedule Number in an external system for dropshipment of this fulfillment line.
REQUISITION_ID VARCHAR2 50 Unique identifier of the Requisition in an external system for dropshipment of this fulfillment line.
REQUISITION_NUMBER VARCHAR2 150 Reference to the Requisition Number in an external system for dropshipment of this fulfillment line.
REQUISITION_LINE_ID VARCHAR2 50 Unique identifier of the Requisition Line in an external system for dropshipment of this fulfillment line.
REQUISITION_LINE_NUMBER VARCHAR2 150 Reference to the Requisition Line Number in an external system for dropshipment of this fulfillment line.
SUPPLY_ORDER_NUMBER VARCHAR2 150 Reference to the Supply Order Number in an external system for back-to-back fulfillment of this fulfillment line.
DOWNSTREAM_SALES_ORDER_NUMBER VARCHAR2 150 Reference to the order created in the external fulfillment system for this fulfillment line.
DOWNSTREAM_SALES_ORDER_LINE_NO VARCHAR2 150 Reference to the order line created in the external fulfillment system for this fulfillment line.
EBS_ORDER_ID VARCHAR2 50 Identifier of the order created in EBS for fulfillment of this line in that application.
EBS_ORDER_LINE_ID VARCHAR2 50 Identifier of the order line created in EBS for fulfillment of this line in that application.
PURCHASING_ACTION_CODE VARCHAR2 30 In the case of drop shipment, the Purchasing system may specify the action that occurred within that system. The possible values are REQ_LINE_SPLIT, PO_IMPLEMENTED, PO_CO_IMPLEMENTED, or PO_CO_RESCINDED.
PURCHASING_CHANGE_TYPE_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Changes to a drop ship Purchase Order may be communicated by a Purchasing system with a change type to distinguish different types of changes. The possible values are CHANGED, SPLIT, REQUEST_CANCELED, ORDER_CANCELED.
ORIG_ORDERED_UOM_CODE VARCHAR2 3 Unit of measure code in which the original ordered quantity is expressed.
ORDERED_UOM_CODE VARCHAR2 3 Unit of measure code in which the ordered quantity is expressed.
TRANSACTIONAL_CURRENCY_CODE VARCHAR2 1000 Currency in which the amounts and prices are expressed.
PURCHASING_CHG_ORD_ORIGINATOR VARCHAR2 30 In the case of changes to a drop ship Purchase Order, the purchasing system may specify the origin of the revision to the PO. The possible values are REQUESTER, and BUYER.
FOB_POINT_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Code that indicates freight on board.
FREIGHT_TERMS_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Freight Terms, specifying the responsibility for Freight charges.
TAX_CLASSIFICATION_CODE VARCHAR2 50 A grouping of taxes for reporting and processing purposes.
TAX_EXEMPTION_REASON_CODE VARCHAR2 30 The reason a tax exemption was granted and taken.
FINAL_DISCHARGE_LOCATION_ID NUMBER 18 This is the final destination location for the purchases made by the customer.
INTEGRATION_CONTEXT_CODE VARCHAR2 50 Type of fulfillment service. The value needs to match the relevant task type code.
FULFILLMENT_RESPONSE_GRP_NAME VARCHAR2 50 Name assigned to a group of fulfillment response lines sent back by the fulfillment system.
FULFILLMENT_SYSTEM VARCHAR2 50 Reference to the fulfillment system code in Topology.
FULFILLMENT_SYSTEM_ID NUMBER 18 Identifier of the fulfillment system.
INTERFACE_SOURCE_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Identifies the source used to insert data in this interface table. For example, ORA_FS_RESPONSE_FBDI and ORA_FS_RESPONSE_API for data imported using file and API respectively.
INTERFACE_STATUS_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Status of the data in the interface table.
RESPONSE_PROCESSING_BATCH_ID NUMBER 18 Reference to the unique identifier assigned to the set of fulfillment response lines being processed together.
TASK_INSTANCE_STATE NUMBER 2 Reference to the state of the task instance.
TASK_INSTANCE_ID NUMBER 18 Reference to the unique identifier for the task instance.
STEP_INSTANCE_DETAIL_ID NUMBER 18 Reference to the unique identifier for the details of a step instance.
ERROR_CODE VARCHAR2 1000 Error that occurred while processing the fulfillment system response.
REQUEST_ACCEPTANCE_STATUS_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Used by the fulfillment system to indicate whether the fulfillment request was accepted or rejected. The values expected are SUCCESS, ERROR, etc.
CROSSREFERENCE_BITSET NUMBER Used for internal processing to track cross-referenced attributes.
SHIPMENT_REQUESTED_QUANTITY NUMBER Requested quantity for the shipment in the shipment advice that inventory management sends to order management. In the context of the shipment tolerance, the flow splits the fulfillment line according to the requested quantity.
SECONDARY_SHIPPED_QUANTITY NUMBER Shipped quantity on the fulfillment line for the item or service in the secondary unit of measure. This attribute applies when you use more than one unit of measure to measure and track the item.
SECONDARY_UOM VARCHAR2 3 Secondary unit of measure for the ordered quantity on the fulfillment line. For example, length, time, heat, value, and so on. This attribute applies when you use more than one unit of measure to measure and track the item.
ASSESSABLE_VALUE NUMBER Assessable value is the deemed price at which a product is valued, by a tax authority for a given tax.
TRX_BUSINESS_CATEGORY VARCHAR2 240 The Transaction Business Category is a classification or categorization of a transaction for tax purposes as required by a tax authority.
PROCESS_REQUEST_ID NUMBER 18 ESS process id of Process Responses from Order Fulfillment ESS processing the record.
XREF_SHIPPING_CARRIER_CODE NUMBER 18 For Internal Use: Cross referenced value to the unique identifier for the carrier.
XREF_SHIPPING_MODE_CODE VARCHAR2 30 For Internal Use: Cross referenced value of the type of transportation used to ship the product, such as truck, air or boat.
XREF_SHIPPING_SVC_LEVEL_CODE VARCHAR2 30 For Internal Use: Cross referenced value of the priority of transportation that affects how quickly goods are transported.
XREF_FOB_POINT_CODE VARCHAR2 30 For Internal Use: Cross referenced value of the code that indicates freight on board.
XREF_FREIGHT_TERMS_CODE VARCHAR2 30 For Internal Use: Cross referenced value of the Freight Terms, specifying the responsibility for Freight charges.
XREF_TAX_CLASSIFICATION_CODE VARCHAR2 50 For Internal Use: Cross referenced value of tax for reporting and processing purposes.
XREF_TAX_EXEMPTION_REASON_CODE VARCHAR2 30 For Internal Use: Cross referenced value for the reason the tax exemption was granted and taken.
SPLIT_UPDATE_FLINE_ID NUMBER Unique identifier of the new fulfillment line created from parent as a result of split after partial fulfillment.
CANCELED_QUANTITY NUMBER Quantity for a backordered order line that shipping canceled. Shipping sends this value to order management.


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