This table would contain information on the fulfillment line for a DOO Order


  • Schema: FUSION

  • Object owner: DOO

  • Object type: TABLE

  • Tablespace: FUSION_TS_TX_DATA

Primary Key

Name Columns




Name Datatype Length Precision Not-null Comments
FULFILL_LINE_ID NUMBER 18 Yes Unique Identifier for a fulfillment line
SUBSCRIPTION_INTERFACED_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Contains one of the following values: Y or N. If Y, the fulfillment line is interfaced to Oracle Subscription Management Cloud. If N, the fulfillment line isn't interfaced to Oracle Subscription Management Cloud. Default value is N.
INTERNAL_COMMENTS VARCHAR2 4000 This is an internal column that Oracle uses to monitor data for an item when processing a sales order. Don't use it for any other reason.
SERVICE_CANCEL_DATE DATE Date when the cancellation of the service item becomes effective. Order Management uses this attribute to cancel the service item without a reference order.
AGREEMENT_HEADER_ID NUMBER 18 Value that uniquely identifies the sales agreement on the order line.
AGREEMENT_LINE_ID NUMBER 18 Value that uniquely identifies the sales agreement line on the order line.
AGREEMENT_VERSION_NUMBER NUMBER 18 Version number of the sales agreement.
RECEIVABLES_ORG_ID NUMBER 18 Receivables Business Unit
OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER NUMBER 9 Yes Used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.
HEADER_ID NUMBER 18 Yes Reference to the unique identifier for the orchestration order
LINE_ID NUMBER 18 Yes Reference to the unique identifier for the orchestration order line
FULFILL_LINE_NUMBER NUMBER 9 Yes Numerical value associated to fulfillment line. It is defaulted to 1 and increments in integers as fulfillment lines split.
INVENTORY_ITEM_ID NUMBER 18 Yes Reference to the unique identifier for the inventory item
ITEM_TYPE_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Yes Indicates a grouping of all items of a particular type that share the same set of item attributes.
ORDERED_QTY NUMBER Yes The quantity of a good or service ordered
STATUS_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Yes Current fulfillment status of the fulfillment line.
SOURCE_LINE_ID VARCHAR2 50 Yes Reference to the unique identifier for the original source order line
SOURCE_LINE_NUMBER VARCHAR2 100 Yes Reference to the number of the originating sales order line.
SOURCE_ORDER_ID VARCHAR2 50 Yes Reference to the unique identifier for the original source order
SOURCE_ORDER_NUMBER VARCHAR2 50 Yes Reference to the number of the originating sales order.
SOURCE_ORDER_SYSTEM VARCHAR2 30 Yes Reference to the order capture system that the source order came from.
SOURCE_SCHEDULE_ID VARCHAR2 50 Yes Reference to the unique identifier for the schedule line from the source order.
SOURCE_SCHEDULE_NUMBER VARCHAR2 50 Yes Reference to the originating sales order schedule number.
SOURCE_REVISION_NUMBER NUMBER 18 Yes Reference to the revision number of the source order from order capture.
COMP_SEQ_PATH VARCHAR2 4000 Defines the hierarchical relation of a model. Derived from BOM table
OWNER_ID NUMBER 18 DOO user who is responsible for the fulfillment line
CREATION_DATE TIMESTAMP Yes Who column: indicates the date and time of the creation of the row.
CREATED_BY VARCHAR2 64 Yes Who column: indicates the user who created the row.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE TIMESTAMP Yes Who column: indicates the date and time of the last update of the row.
LAST_UPDATED_BY VARCHAR2 64 Yes Who column: indicates the user who last updated the row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN VARCHAR2 32 Who column: indicates the session login associated to the user who last updated the row.
FULFILL_ORG_ID NUMBER 18 Reference to the unique identifier for the fulfillment organization
CANCELED_QTY NUMBER Canceled quantity.
ORDERED_UOM VARCHAR2 3 Yes Unit of Measure for the quantity ordered- A predetermined amount or quantity or quality, such as of length, time, heat, value that is adopted as a standard of measurement.
PURCHASING_UOM VARCHAR2 3 UOM Code in which the Procurement system placed the Purchase Order with the supplier
SHIPPED_UOM VARCHAR2 3 Unit of Measure for the quantity shipped
RMA_DELIVERED_QTY NUMBER The quantity delivered against the receipt line.
FULFILLED_QTY NUMBER Quantity fulfilled for the fulfillment line.
SHIPPED_QTY NUMBER Quantity of product on a fulfillment line that is shipped.
RESERVED_QTY NUMBER Quantity of an item that was set aside in a warehouse specifically to fulfill the demand from a given fulfillment line.
RESERVABLE_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Indicates that an item on the fulfillment line can be reserved.
SHIPPABLE_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Indicates whether a line can be shipped to a customer.
INVOICEABLE_ITEM_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 This fulfillment line has an item that is enabled for billing or invoicing.
INVOICE_ENABLED_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Indicator implying the line / item qualifies for billing
RETURNABLE_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Indicates that the item can be returned to the supplier.
INVOICE_INTERFACED_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Indicator implying line has been sent to Billing system
BILL_TO_CONTACT_ID NUMBER 18 Reference to the unique identifier for the bill-to customer contact
BILL_TO_CUSTOMER_ID NUMBER 18 Reference to the unique identifier for the bill-to customer
BILL_TO_SITE_USE_ID NUMBER 18 Reference to the unique identifier for the bill-to customer location
SOURCE_ORG_ID NUMBER 18 Reference to the unique identifier for the organization of the source order.
ORG_ID NUMBER 18 Yes Indicates the identifier of the business unit associated to the row.
REQUEST_ARRIVAL_DATE DATE The original date the customer requested the item arrive on.
REQUEST_SHIP_DATE DATE The original date the customer requested the item ship on.
SCHEDULE_ARRIVAL_DATE DATE The current date the shipment is planned to arrive on.
SCHEDULE_SHIP_DATE DATE The current date the shipment is planned to ship on.
PROMISE_ARRIVAL_DATE DATE The date that was promised to the customer that the item would arrive.
PROMISE_SHIP_DATE DATE The date that was promised to the customer that the item would ship.
ACTUAL_SHIP_DATE DATE The date the shipment was actually sent.
FULFILLMENT_DATE DATE Date when the fulfillment line is fulfilled (Goods shipped, hardware installed etc.).
CUSTOMER_ITEM_ID NUMBER 18 Reference to the unique identifier of the customer item.
CUSTOMER_PO_LINE_NUMBER VARCHAR2 50 An identifier of the line record on a transaction. The purchase order line describes an item or service, with a price and quantity ordered.
CUSTOMER_PO_NUMBER VARCHAR2 50 A commercial document that is used to request that a seller to supply a product or service in return for payment.
DEMAND_CLASS_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Demand Class used by the promise engine to consume target allocation amounts.
EXTENDED_AMOUNT NUMBER Monetary amount for the fulfill line quantity.
FOB_POINT_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Code that indicates freight on board
CARRIER_ID NUMBER 18 Reference to the unique identifier for the carrier.
INVOICING_RULE_ID NUMBER 18 Invoicing rule used by Billing for generating Invoice
ACCOUNTING_RULE_ID NUMBER 18 Reference to the unique identifier for the accounting rule which determines the revenue recognition schedule for the invoice line.
LINE_TYPE_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Defines the system behavior for the order line transaction, in terms of values required, defaulted, and displayed.
CATEGORY_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Yes A code used to group and process journal entries with similar characteristics such as adjustments, accruals, or reclassifications.
OPEN_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Yes Indicates that the status of a fulfillment line that is not closed or canceled.
CANCELED_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Indicates that the fulfillment Line is canceled.
OVERRIDE_SCHEDULE_DATE_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Indicates that the user can override the scheduling data manually.
ORIGINAL_INVENTORY_ITEM_ID NUMBER 18 Reference to the unique identifier for the original inventory item that was populated on the fulfillment line from decomposition.
GOP_REFERENCE_ID VARCHAR2 300 Cross reference id of the recommended split fulfillment line created by GOP.
PACKING_INSTRUCTIONS VARCHAR2 1000 A document that contains information concerning the packing of an item.
PARENT_FULFILL_LINE_ID NUMBER 18 Used in fulfillment line hierarchies (models) to identify the immediate parent fulfillment line.
PAYMENT_TERM_ID NUMBER 18 Payment Terms used by billing during Invoice generation
REQUEST_TYPE VARCHAR2 30 Indicates if the scheduling request is of type SHIP or ARRIVAL.
RETURN_REASON_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Justification for a return of a specific product. Many companies have standard reasons that are assigned to returns to be used to analyze the quantity and types of returns.
ORIG_SYS_DOCUMENT_REF VARCHAR2 50 Original document reference for the orchestration order in external system
ORIG_SYS_DOCUMENT_LINE_REF VARCHAR2 50 Original document reference for the fulfillment line in external system
ROOT_PARENT_FULFILL_LINE_ID NUMBER 18 Used in fulfillment line hierarchies (models) to identify the highest fulfillment line in the hierarchy.
SHIP_CLASS_OF_SERVICE VARCHAR2 30 Priority of transportation that affects how quickly goods are transported.
SHIP_MODE_OF_TRANSPORT VARCHAR2 30 Type of transportation used to ship the product, such as truck, air or boat.
SHIP_TO_CONTACT_ID NUMBER 18 Reference to the unique identifier for the ship-to customer contact
SHIP_TO_CUSTOMER_ID NUMBER 18 Reference to the unique identifier for the ship-to customer
SHIP_TO_SITE_USE_ID NUMBER 18 Reference to the unique identifier for the ship-to customer location
FULFILL_TOLERANCE_ABOVE NUMBER Percentage of quantity that can be fulfilled above the ordered quantity.
FULFILL_TOLERANCE_BELOW NUMBER Percentage of quantity that can be fulfilled below the ordered quantity.
SHIPMENT_PRIORITY_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Indicates the priority of the fulfillment lines to be shipped.
SHIPPING_INSTRUCTIONS VARCHAR2 1000 A message on a document that provides details about cargo and any requirements for its physical movement.
SHIP_SET_NAME VARCHAR2 50 Group of order lines within an order that need to ship together from their common origin to a common destination and which have the same scheduled ship date.
SPLIT_FROM_FLINE_ID NUMBER 18 Reference to the original fulfillment line in the event that splits occur.
PARTIAL_SHIP_ALLOWED_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Indicates that the items on the order can be shipped in multiple shipments, rather than as one shipment.
SUBSTITUTE_ALLOWED_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Indicates that items on the fulfillment line can be substituted for various reasons like shortage of material, or as a goodwill gesture to the customer.
SUBSTITUTE_REASON_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Describes why an item was substituted on a fulfillment line.
TAX_EXEMPT_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Indicates that a quote or fulfillment line is exempt from taxes.
TAX_CLASSIFICATION_CODE VARCHAR2 50 A grouping of taxes for reporting and processing purposes.
DELTA_TYPE NUMBER 18 Internal column used by change processing framework for tracking type of change like update, cancel..etc
TAX_EXEMPTION_REASON_CODE VARCHAR2 30 The reason a tax exemption was granted and taken.
UNIT_LIST_PRICE NUMBER The base selling price before applying discounts. It typically defaults from the item definition.
UNIT_SELLING_PRICE NUMBER The price per unit that a buyer paid for an item.
REFERENCE_FLINE_ID NUMBER 18 Used by change mgmt to associate the change order's fulfillment line id with the original order's fulfillment line id.
LATEST_ACCEPTABLE_SHIP_DATE DATE The latest date that the customer is willing to have a warehouse ship a product.
LATEST_ACCEPTABLE_ARRIVAL_DATE DATE The latest date that the customer is willing to receive a product.
EARLIEST_ACCEPTABLE_SHIP_DATE DATE Date defining the earliest that a customer is willing to receive a shipment.
ON_HOLD VARCHAR2 1 Indicates fulfillment lines are not accepting further processing.
RESERVATION_ID NUMBER 18 Reference to the unique identifier for the reservation.
ACTUAL_COMPLETION_DATE DATE The date when fulfillment line is processed completely.
INVENTORY_ORGANIZATION_ID NUMBER 18 Yes Reference to the unique identifier for the inventory organization
FULFILL_INSTANCE_ID NUMBER 18 Reference to the unique identifier for the fulfillment instance
STATUS_RULESET_ID NUMBER 18 Reference to the unique identifier for the status rule set which contains the set of conditions used to evaluate the status of the fulfillment line.
REMNANT_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Indicates that there was partial fulfillment of a model
FULFILLMENT_SPLIT_REF_ID NUMBER 18 Reference to the unique identifier of the source fulfillment line in the case of a split.
ESTIMATE_MARGIN NUMBER The estimated margin expected when shipping a particular fulfillment line.
ESTIMATE_FULFILLMENT_COST NUMBER The estimated cost it will take to deliver a fulfillment line to a customer. The figure includes item cost as well as shipping cost.
FREIGHT_TERMS_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Freight Terms, specifying the responsibility for Freight charges
CANCEL_REASON_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Reason for cancellation of line
LATEST_EXT_FULFILL_LINE_NUMBER NUMBER 18 Additional Key used for communication to Fulfillment Systems
GOP_REQUEST_REGION VARCHAR2 255 Region information for Order Promising Request
SCHEDULING_REASON_CODE VARCHAR2 30 To capture Scheduling Reason
SUBINVENTORY VARCHAR2 10 Identifies the Physical or logical location of the item.
SUPPLIER_ID NUMBER 18 This will hold the value for Supplier on whom Purchase Order is created.
SUPPLIER_SITE_ID NUMBER 18 This will hold the value for Supplier Site on whom Purchase Order is created.
SHIP_TO_PARTY_ID NUMBER 18 Reference to the unique identifier for ship-to Party.
SHIP_TO_PARTY_SITE_ID NUMBER 18 Reference to the unique identifier for the ship-to Party Site.
SHIP_TO_PARTY_CONTACT_ID NUMBER 18 Reference to the unique identifier for the ship-to Party Contact.
CONFIG_ITEM_REFERENCE VARCHAR2 1200 Configuration Finished Good Reference.
ITEM_SUB_TYPE_CODE VARCHAR2 30 More specific sub group for ITEM_TYPE_CODE. Model/Service/One-Time Item characteristic detail (like ATO, PTOSMC, PTONONSMC).
REQUISITION_INVENTORY_ORG_ID NUMBER 18 Maps to Organization Id as per Fusion Enterprise structure.
REQUISITION_BU_ID NUMBER 18 Maps to BU Id as per Fusion Enterprise structure.
FULFILLMENT_MODE VARCHAR2 30 It captures the mode Regular,Dropship,Back to Back.
PO_STATUS_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Purchase Order Lines Status as per Fusion Enterprise structure.
BUYER_ID NUMBER 18 Holds Buyer information for a schedule, this is a reference column and it is referenced to BUYER PUBLIC VIEW that is published by purchase Order product.
REQUEST_CANCEL_DATE TIMESTAMP Date on which customer requested cancellation on the line.
COMMENTS VARCHAR2 2000 Comments for the line.
DEFAULT_TAXATION_COUNTRY VARCHAR2 2 The Taxation Country specifies the country for taxation for tax calculation purposes.
FIRST_PTY_REG_ID NUMBER 18 This is the registration number which is quoted to the supplier. Supplier would use this to tax the transaction.
THIRD_PTY_REG_ID NUMBER 18 This is the customer registration number specified by the customer in the purchase order.
DOCUMENT_SUB_TYPE VARCHAR2 240 Document Sub Type is used for tax calculation and tax reporting depending upon the requirements of different countries.
TAX_INVOICE_NUMBER VARCHAR2 150 This is the Invoice Number which is used for Tax Reporting depending on the requirements of different countries.
TAX_INVOICE_DATE DATE Tax Invoice Date is used for Tax Reporting depending on the requirements of different countries.
FINAL_DISCHARGE_LOCATION_ID NUMBER 18 This is the final destination location for the purchases made by the customer.
PROD_FC_CATEG_ID NUMBER 18 This is a classification of the product(s) by tax authority for tax purposes.
PRODUCT_TYPE VARCHAR2 240 The Product Type is another product related classification in Fusion Tax. The value of product type specifies whether the transaction line is for a good, or a service, or it is a memo line.
PRODUCT_CATEGORY VARCHAR2 240 The Product Category is used to classify products for tax purposes. It is used where Oracle Inventory is not installed, or is installed but not used for classifying products for tax purposes.
TRX_BUSINESS_CATEGORY VARCHAR2 240 The Transaction Business Category is a classification or categorization of a transaction for tax purposes as required by a tax authority.
ASSESSABLE_VALUE NUMBER Assessable value is the deemed price at which a product is valued, by a tax authority for a given tax.
USER_DEFINED_FISC_CLASS VARCHAR2 30 User Defined Fiscal Classification is an additional classification of the transaction into different categories for tax purposes.
INTENDED_USE_CLASSIF_ID NUMBER 18 The classification id for intended use for tax calculation purposes.
DESTINATION_LOCATION_ID NUMBER 18 Destination Location to which the product is Shipped
DESTINATION_ORG_ID NUMBER 18 Destination Org to which the product is Shipped
QUANTITY_PER_MODEL NUMBER Component quantity for a single model
CONFIG_INVENTORY_ITEM_ID NUMBER 18 Inventory item of shippable ATO configuration
PURCHASING_ENABLED_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Indicates whether the item on the fulfillment line may be included on a Purchase Order for fulfilling the underlying source order line
CUSTOMER_PO_SCHEDULE_NUMBER VARCHAR2 50 Contains Customers Purchase Order Shipment Schedule number , if specified while submitting an order.
SUPPLY_STATUS_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Status of the supply for the fulfillment line.
SHIP_TO_CONTACT_POINT_ID NUMBER 18 Identifier of a ship-to contact point
PREF_OVERRIDDEN_BITSET NUMBER 18 Bitset that helps identify the overridden attributes on the line.
APPLIED_PRICE_LIST_ID NUMBER 18 Id of the price list that has been applied
PRICED_ON TIMESTAMP The date when the line is priced. This attribute will be populated with the system date at the beginning of a pricing process
REQUIRED_FULFILLMENT_DATE TIMESTAMP The date used for planning and re-planning purpose
COMPONENT_ID_PATH VARCHAR2 2000 Inventory ID path to the parent of this Line. Path format is ">" separated inventory item id.
VALID_CONFIGURATION_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Indicates the valid status of the configuration. This is populated only for the Root line.
CONFIGURATOR_PATH VARCHAR2 2000 Runtime representation of the Inventory Item Id path to the component. Path format is "." Separated inventory item id. For multi-instantiable components instances are denoted by [<instance number>].
CONFIG_HEADER_ID NUMBER 18 Header Id of the configuration.
CONFIG_REVISION_NUMBER NUMBER 18 Revision number of the configuration.
SHOW_IN_SALES NUMBER 9 Indicates whether to show the Line Item in Sales Summary page including Configurator summary page. This is an Item component attribute defined in PIM during structure creation. This attribute only controls the display and does not filter Line Items from configurator output results. This column can have one of three values: 1: Yes - Item is always shown (default), 2: Hide Self - Item is hidden, child items will be moved up in the summary display, 3: Hide Self and Descendants - Item and its hierarchy will be hidden in summary display.
CHANGE_ELIGIBLE_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Indicates whether the Line as a whole is eligible for modification by the user.
MODIFIED_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Indicates that the row has been modified in the version currently submitted
UNREFERENCED_RETURN_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Identify return that does not include a reference order.
BILL_TO_CONTACT_POINT_ID NUMBER 18 Identifier of a bill-to contact point.
UNIT_QUANTITY NUMBER For a configuration this is the requested component quantity of a child option for one unit of parent item component.
CONFIG_CREATION_DATE TIMESTAMP The date when configuration is created. This attribute will be populated with the system date when a configuration is first created.
CONTRACT_START_DATE DATE The start date of the contract, if the order line is associated with a contract.
CONTRACT_END_DATE DATE The end date of the contract, if the transaction line is associated with a contract.
TOTAL_CONTRACT_QUANTITY NUMBER It reflects the total quantity for the entire contract duration. It takes into acccount the number of periods in the case of recurring billing.
TOTAL_CONTRACT_AMOUNT NUMBER It reflects the total amount for the entire contract duration based on the total contract quantity.
PROCESS_INSTANCE_ID NUMBER 18 Identifier of the orchestration process instance that attached to the fulfill line.
PROCESS_NUMBER VARCHAR2 50 Process number used for display in the runtime UI
CREDIT_CHK_AUTH_NUM VARCHAR2 240 The unique identifier for the approved credit authorization created in credit management system on the requested authorized amount for the customer account specified. This is only applicable for credit check of type `Authorization' and `Re-Authorization'.
CREDIT_CHK_AUTH_EXP_DATE TIMESTAMP The date on which the approved credit authorization will expire.
TRADE_COMPLIANCE_RESULT_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Roll-up result of the trade compliance screening across all applicable compliance types
TRADE_COMPLIANCE_DATE TIMESTAMP Date on which the line was last screened for trade compliance
TRANSPORTATION_PLANNED_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Indicates that a transportation planning system plans the fulfillment line.
CREATED_IN_RELEASE VARCHAR2 15 Stores the release version when fulfill line was created.
CONFIG_TRADE_COMPL_RESULT_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Roll-up result of trade compliance screening for configuration
BILLING_TRX_TYPE_ID NUMBER 18 Billing Transaction type identifier
SERVICE_DURATION NUMBER Captures duration for the coverage or subscription product on the fulfillment line.
SERVICE_DURATION_PERIOD_CODE VARCHAR2 10 Identifies duration unit of measure for the coverage or subscription product on the fulfillment line.
SALES_PRODUCT_TYPE_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Identifies sales product type of product on the fulfillment line.
ACTION_TYPE_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Abbreviation that identifies the Type of action for subscription or coverage: Add, Terminate, or Amend. The ORA_QP_ACTION_TYPES lookup type contains the values that you can use for this attribute.
ASSET_TRACKED_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Flag to indicate whether the fulfill line is eligible to be interfaced to Asset Management for tracking of customer assets that are created from the order processing.
ASSET_GROUP_NUMBER VARCHAR2 30 Asset Group Number. Used for grouping customer assets together.
PROCESS_SET VARCHAR2 255 Captures Process Name to group all Fullfillment lines in a single process as provided.
SALESPERSON_ID NUMBER 18 Primary Sales person identifier.
BATCH_ID NUMBER 18 Unique identifier of the batch that was used for importing the order.
PROCESS_ID NUMBER 18 Unique identifier of the orchestration process assigned.
PRJ_REC_INDICATOR VARCHAR2 1 Project's record indicator, used in interfarcing to Shipping Task Layer. A value of 'Y' indicates a project record exists for this line, 'N' implies no project record.
CREATION_MODE VARCHAR2 30 Identifies the interface using which the line was captured.
MDO_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Determines the mode of orchestration e.g., 'Y' is MDO , 'N' is classic.
FULFILLMENT_GROUP_ID NUMBER 18 Unique identifier of the fulfillment group to which the fulfillment line belongs. All lines that belong to the same ship set or model are in the same fulfillment group.
SELLING_PROFIT_CENTER_BU_ID NUMBER 18 Reference to Unique Identifier of Profit Center Business Unit.
USER_UPDATE_INDICATOR_BITSET NUMBER 20 Identifies if User has Modified any specific attribute. Internally this number is converted as bits to identify user updated attribute
SUBSCRIPTION_PROFILE_ID NUMBER 18 Value that uniquely identifies the subscription profile.
EXTERNAL_PRICE_BOOK_NAME VARCHAR2 80 Price book or price list name in the external pricing application.
END_REASON_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Abbreviation that identifies the Reason to end or amend the subscription or coverage. The ORA_OSS_CLOSE_REASONS lookup type contains the values that you can use for this attribute.
END_CREDIT_METHOD_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Abbreviation that identifies the credit method for ending or amending the subscription or coverage. The ORA_OSS_CLOSE_CREDIT_METHOD lookup type contains the values that you can use for this attribute.
END_DATE TIMESTAMP Date when the subscription or coverage is ended.
INVENTORY_INTERFACED_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Contains Y, N, or empty. Y: Order management successfully interfaced the fulfillment line to inventory management. N or empty: Order management hasn't interfaced the fulfillment line. Order management updates this attribute when it directly reduces inventory to fulfill the order line.
INVENTORY_TRANSACTION_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Contains Y, N, or empty. Y: Order management sends a request to inventory management to do an inventory transaction when fulfilling the order line instead of using the pick wave, pick, pack, and ship flow. N or empty: Order management uses the pick wave, pick, pack, and ship flow to fulfill the order line. The Order Entry Specialist sets the value for this attribute in the Order Management work area, or order management sets it during order import.
SECONDARY_UOM VARCHAR2 3 Secondary unit of measure for the ordered quantity on the fulfillment line. For example, length, time, heat, value, and so on. This attribute applies when you use more than one unit of measure to measure and track the item.
SECONDARY_ORDERED_QTY NUMBER Ordered quantity on the fulfillment line for the item or service in the secondary unit of measure. This attribute applies when you use more than one unit of measure to measure and track the item.
SECONDARY_SHIPPED_QTY NUMBER Shipped quantity on the fulfillment line for the item or service in the secondary unit of measure. This attribute applies when you use more than one unit of measure to measure and track the item.
SECONDARY_RMA_DELIVERED_QTY NUMBER Delivered quantity on the fulfillment line for the returned item or service in the secondary unit of measure. This attribute applies when you use more than one unit of measure to measure and track the item.
PRICE_USING_SEC_UOM_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Contains Y, N, or empty. Y: Order management uses secondary ordered quantity and secondary unit of measure to price the order line. N or empty: Order management uses ordered quantity and ordered unit of measure to price the order line.
SECONDARY_FULFILLED_QTY NUMBER Fulfilled quantity on the fulfillment line for the item or service in the secondary unit of measure. This attribute applies when you use more than one unit of measure to measure and track the item.
RATE_PLAN_DOCUMENT_ID NUMBER 18 Value that uniquely identifies the JSON document for a rate plan in Oracle Fusion Pricing Cloud.
RATE_PLAN_ID NUMBER 18 Value that uniquely identifies a rate plan in Oracle Fusion Pricing Cloud.
INTEGRATE_SUBSCRIPTION_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Yes Contains one of the following values: Y or N. Y means Order Management will send the fulfillment line to Oracle Fusion Subscription Management. N means it won't. The default value is N.
FULFILL_UPDATE_PARENT_REF_ID NUMBER Unique Identifier of the parent fulfillment line id which resulted the split after partial fulfillment.
ADDED_BY_EXTENSION_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Yes Contains Y or N. Y means an order management extension added the fulfillment line.
DEMAND_SOURCE_LINE_REFERENCE VARCHAR2 400 Value that uniquely identifies demand, such as the line in a shopping cart on a web store or in an ecommerce application. You create a sales order in a web store, the web store sends a request to Global Order Promising to schedule it, Global Order Promising schedules the demand and sends a reply to the web store, the web store sends the sales order to Order Management, then Order Management manages the order through fulfillment.
DEMAND_SOURCE_SCHEDULED_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Yes This attribute applies for a transaction that starts in a web store or ecommerce store. It contains Y or N. Y: Order Management created a sales order, sent the DEMAND_SOURCE_LINE_ID to Global Order Promising, Promising successfully scheduled the demand, Order Management received a response from Promising, and then set DEMAND_SOURCE_SCHEDULED_FLAG to Y. It does this during the first scheduling interaction that it has with Promising. You can't modify the value for DEMAND_SOURCE_SCHEDULED_FLAG after it contains Y. N: Promising hasn't successfully scheduled this demand, or the line doesn't contain DEMAND_SOURCE_LINE_ID.
REQUESTED_RATE_PLAN_ID NUMBER 18 Value that uniquely identifies the rate plan requested by the user. Oracle Fusion Pricing Cloud automatically creates the value for this attribute.
SUPPLIER_ID_F NUMBER 18 This will hold the fusion value for Supplier on whom Purchase Order is created.
SUPPLIER_SITE_ID_F NUMBER 18 This will hold the fusion value for Supplier Site on whom Purchase Order is created.
CARRIER_ID_F NUMBER 18 Reference to the unique fusion value identifier for the carrier.
SHIP_MODE_OF_TRANSPORT_F VARCHAR2 30 Fusion value for the type of transportation used to ship the product, such as truck, air or boat.
SHIP_CLASS_OF_SERVICE_F VARCHAR2 30 Fusion value for the Priority of transportation that affects how quickly goods are transported
SHIPMENT_PRIORITY_CODE_F VARCHAR2 30 Fusion value that Indicates the priority of the fulfillment lines to be shipped.
FREIGHT_TERMS_CODE_F VARCHAR2 30 Fusion value for the Freight Terms, specifying the responsibility for Freight charges
FOB_POINT_CODE_F VARCHAR2 30 Fusion value for the Code that indicates freight on board
DEMAND_CLASS_CODE_F VARCHAR2 30 Fusion value for the Demand Class used by the promise engine to consume target allocation amounts.
PAYMENT_TERM_ID_F NUMBER 18 Refers to the unique fusion value identifier for the payment term.
ACCOUNTING_RULE_ID_F NUMBER 18 Reference to the unique fusion value identifier for the accounting rule which determines the revenue recognition schedule for the invoice line.
INVOICING_RULE_ID_F NUMBER 18 Fusion value for the Invoicing rule used by Billing for generating Invoice
TAX_CLASSIFICATION_CODE_F VARCHAR2 30 Fusion value for a group of taxes for reporting and processing purposes.
RETURN_REASON_CODE_F VARCHAR2 30 Fusion value for justification to return a specific product. Many companies have standard reasons that are assigned to returns to be used to analyze the quantity and types of returns.
TAX_EXEMPTION_REASON_CODE_F VARCHAR2 30 Fusion value for the reason a tax exemption was granted and taken.
CANCEL_BACKORDERS_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Yes Contains Y or N. Y: Allow user to cancel sales orders or order lines that have items that are on back order. N: Don't allow.
ENFORCE_SINGLE_SHIPMENT_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Yes Contains Y or N. Y: Allow user to cancel the part of the order line's quantity that they can't ship in one shipment. N: Don't allow.
CANCEL_REASON_CODE_F VARCHAR2 30 Fusion value for the cancel reason.

Foreign Keys

Table Foreign Table Foreign Key Column
doo_orchestration_groups doo_fulfill_lines_all FULFILLMENT_LINE_ID
doo_hold_instances doo_fulfill_lines_all FULFILL_LINE_ID
doo_fulfill_line_details doo_fulfill_lines_all FULFILL_LINE_ID
doo_lot_serial_numbers doo_fulfill_lines_all FULFILL_LINE_ID
doo_billing_plans doo_fulfill_lines_all FULFILL_LINE_ID
doo_fulfill_lines_eff_b doo_fulfill_lines_all FULFILL_LINE_ID
doo_sales_credits doo_fulfill_lines_all FULFILL_LINE_ID
doo_task_batch_requests doo_fulfill_lines_all FULFILL_LINE_ID
doo_order_external_details doo_fulfill_lines_all FULFILL_LINE_ID
doo_asset_transaction_details doo_fulfill_lines_all FULFILL_LINE_ID
doo_transaction_item_attribs doo_fulfill_lines_all FULFILL_LINE_ID
doo_step_instance_details doo_fulfill_lines_all FULFILL_LINE_ID
doo_ui_recent_objects doo_fulfill_lines_all FULFILL_LINE_ID
doo_order_addresses doo_fulfill_lines_all FULFILL_LINE_ID
doo_accumulation_details doo_fulfill_lines_all ACCUMULATION_DETAIL_ID
doo_price_adjustments doo_fulfill_lines_all FULFILL_LINE_ID
doo_payments doo_fulfill_lines_all FULFILL_LINE_ID
doo_order_incentives doo_fulfill_lines_all FULFILL_LINE_ID


Index Uniqueness Tablespace Columns